Official Artist
Melody Yeung
Composer , Musician , Singer
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Super photographer and friend, David Barker, took some AMAZING photos at my birthday bash~ 


My sexy girlfriends

Ummm... yea.  I think I was trying to dance here.  Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


Thank you everybody!

I had my birthday party this Saturday, and honestly, I was worried.   I haven't had a birthday party in years... so I was actually nervous about making it happen.  I mean, I personally invited 70 people and passed out another 50 fliers... but only 20 people RSVP-ed.  A party planner I am not.  I wanted to rip my hair out from the stress.  I also worried about girl-boy ratio and location and time...etc.  Then when the real day came, a handful of people cancelled, some just didn't show up, other's flaked.  Many cam...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares


I got a haircut today, so it is nice and short!  I cut it right below my décolletage and just above my chest.  I had had a very productive week this month and I felt that, aside from my 25th birthday, it was a sign that perhaps I needed a change to mark a new direction in my life.

I wrote a new song last week and Andrew (Didi) helped me put together a simple arrangement for it.  I am very glad that I have someone talented like him around because Lord knows, I cannot arrange a demo as quick and as effortlessly as he does it. 

I recorded ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

July 17-20 HENNESSY ARTISTRY in Malaysia

See You There!!! . http://www.hennessyartistry.com.my/hennessy.html

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

My Official Birthday Party

Join me at


\Saturday, 12 July 2008, 11:00 PM.


Dress to impress:: Slutty or classy, your call~  but NEVER tacky!

The party theme is Royal Blue, so please wear blue~

*please call Primo reservations if u want to book your own "bao xiang."

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

First post.

Hello everyone

     First entry.  It's 3:58 PM and I just woke up.   Yes, I know, I know, you're thinking what???She wakes up at 4?  Truth be told, I sleep at pretty whacked out hours.  I took a nap yesterday at 6PM till 9PM, then stayed up till 7AM.  I slept for another hour and then woke up, unable to sleep.  I read a chapter of the new book I'm reading, Truman Capote's famous novel "In Cold Blood," and finally got tired enough  to pass out again.  So now I'm up and I've set up my new Alivenotdead prof...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
June 29, 2008