Melody Yeung
作曲家, 音乐家, 歌手
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I got a haircut today, so it is nice and short!  I cut it right below my décolletage and just above my chest.  I had had a very productive week this month and I felt that, aside from my 25th birthday, it was a sign that perhaps I needed a change to mark a new direction in my life.

I wrote a new song last week and Andrew (Didi) helped me put together a simple arrangement for it.  I am very glad that I have someone talented like him around because Lord knows, I cannot arrange a demo as quick and as effortlessly as he does it. 

I recorded the song with English lyrics last night and have been listening to it on repeat for hours.  I haven't been able to write a song that I truly love for some time now, so I feel that yesterday's accomlishment was quite a feat.  I will definitely post a snippet of my new song soon~  tell me what you think!

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Taipei, Taiwan
June 29, 2008