Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Jazz Festival 2008

It seems like the end of this year has become extremely busy for me.  I think it's starting to feel a little overwhelming.  I've started to teach more jazz classes at pure...so, it means that I have to choreograph more combinations for my classes.  Along with that choreography, I still have 1 big number to choreograph for the play that I'm doing in Jan.  AND I have to train my body back into shape for my competition coming up later this month!!!  I really can't believe that it's in less than 2 weeks!!  I don't reall...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

performing tonight

Hey all,

 I just wanted to write a quick blog to remind you that I will be singing at Sevva tonight from 7:30pm till 11:15pm.  It's in the Prince's Building, Central on the 25th floor.  I will be singing 3 sets of standard jazz songs...and to back me up are Bob Mokarski on piano, Peter Scherr on Bass, and Oliver Smith on Sax.  It should be a fun night....GREAT musicians too!!!  Lot's of solos for the guys...come and support us!!!  It's my first gig in this type of setting...kind of nervous and excited at the same ti...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

what's new

I've already tried to upload photos twice and for some reason it failed...so, I don't think I want to even try anymore...sorry!!!  I uploaded photos from Musical Moments instead....I'm wearing the same costume for my solo number, "Mein Herr" from Cabaret....which is originally played by Liza Minnelli!!!

I thought that after Musical Moments things would slow down and I could start to breathe again...but, I think I was wrong!!!

I've been teaching more AND I've started rehearsals for my next project w...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares

dressin up for Halloween

It has been years since I dressed up for Halloween.  I don't think I have ever done it in HK!  I remember the good old days...in LA we'd go from house to house as kids...say the magic words "trick or treat" and by the end of the night we'd have a bag full of candy.  The candy could usually last for a week!  But, I'm talkin about having like 10 a day!  ...sigh....none of that here....

So, it was pretty exciting to be able to dress up this year for the AnD party...as well as another charity Halloween p...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Thanks For coming to MM!!!

Just want to say thank you for those of you who came to watch the show last night....and esp to the ones I didn't get to see after the show!  It was nice to know that some friends were out there supporting me!  My voice was probably at 90% and I was soooo terrified that I'd mess up the high notes....I was really squeezing my way through those notes!  And, during rehearsals I could barely hold the entire note because I had to use more air in order to sustain a note!  But...thank God it turned out ok!!!  Thank you all!!!  Her...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Lesson learned

Ok....so, while Harry was here I didn't get much sleep because we'd go out really late and as usual, I wake up early no matter how late I sleep.  So....I think it really caught up with me. The last night he was here we had a great time watching Eugene and Jun at Backstage...unfortunately, I think I was yelling a little too much....and well...completely exhausted myself since I was also in the middle of rehearsing for Musical Moments.  So...last Monday I started to feel the burn of the weekend...started off as a little discomfort in my ...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


I have been really busy lately with entertaining my brother who left last Sunday....and rehearsals for 2 different shows....it is now crunch time for Musical Moments...if you haven't already bought your tickets, please do so soon!!!  I will be singing and dancing so....don't miss it!!! 

Here is a preview photo of my solo number at rehearsals.....

最近這段日子為了招待我的弟弟我忙得不可開交, 幸虧他星期天走了,我還得同時排練兩個不同的節目, 現在Musical Moments已經到最緊要的關頭了...如果你還沒買票的話, 你得趕快了,我將會同時唱歌跳舞,你千萬不能錯過!!!


最近這段日子為了招待我的...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Opening Up My Creative Mind

Tis has been awhile since my last entry....guess I've been too busy to sit down and write something.  I'm working on a few projects right now.  One of them is a play that I will be choreographing for.  It's going to be a small black comedy play sort of like the one I did many years ago at the Fringe Club called "Fertility Goddess".  I'm working with the same director Crystal Kwok as well as another one of the actors.  It's just the sort of small play that I love to do.  I think the most challenging th...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


I have had a great week.  Lots of revelations in my life and new things happening.  Saturday was my first time teaching a normal dance class.  Things didn't go too well in the beginning because I didn't know that you were supposed to bring your own plug if you wanted to use an ipod for the music....and it just took me awhile to learn how to work the sound system at the IFC Pure (I'm used to teaching at the Soho Pure)...but, thank God I had 2 friends who came to my class to support me and they took care of getting the wire for me!!!  I...Read more

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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April 19, 2007