演员, 歌手, 运动员
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Good things come in a pair| 好事成雙 | 好事成双

Today when i saw our Chinese flag rising up inthe middle, two timees in a roll, with us getting two of the medals as well, i was sincerely proud of them. After being in the mixed feelings from yeste's game, i can finally put a big smile on my face.

In fact I wasn't nervous during the hand ring game at all, because I knew we're the best. We've got Yang Wei and Chen Yibing there to secure our medals. Their biggest competitors are themselves, as long as they get to finish the game, they are the winners of the game. I do think this is the easiest out of the medals we've got, because we ARE very strong.

I still remember Chen YiBing's face when he quit his Men's horizontal bar game because he hurt his wrist, but from then I know, he'll show us his big smile today. And as he promised, he had shown the world his brightest smile. He probably didn't know, a lot of people had fall for his smile already.

What made a different from the ring, was the truth that I was really worried about those two girls for Women's uneven bars. Not only our opponents are strong, but also because He Kexin was going first, you can tell from her face how nervous she was when they walked in. when I see her finally land on ground, my heart stopped pounding, although we didn't know if 16.725 can bring her the medal, we knew she had done a very good job, and she's successfully challenged herself!

A lot of people had asked me the same question, why did He Kexin get the medal when Liukin has also scored 16.725, is that because the game was in Beijing? Hahaa, of course not, and it can't be possible to do it that way, it just too unfair fro the other athletes then.

With this new rules we have, if same points are observed, then the result of the game will be determined by the results of group B. For this individual finals, there are 6 judges to group B, removing the highest and lowest points and taking the average of the rest, there comes the grade B and grade A which you'll add together to be the final grade. When two or more score the same, we'll then look at the different between the highest and lowest grades. So today, He kexin scored 6 very close points, which the different between the highest and lowest points of Liukin was pretty big, thus, even the average of the rest are the same, Luikin would end up having less points when adding all of them together, and this is why He Kexin became the winner of the game. We can also tell from here that Kexin didn't only convinced one of the judges that she's the best, but ALL of them.

I'm really happy for He Kexin!

She deserves the medal for uneven bars!

ChengFei was cheering with her fellow  teammates and their coaches too! | 當今天我看到體操賽場上連續兩次都在最高點升起我們的五星紅旗,並且前三名我們中國包攬兩個時,那種驕傲是由衷的。昨天剛經歷了悲喜交加的心情,今天終於可以喜笑顏開。 其實今天的吊環比賽我心裏一點都不緊張,因為我知道在今天的賽場上是無人可敵,因為有楊威和陳一冰雙保險。他們最大的對手將是自己,完成好了就是勝利。這塊金牌是體操比賽以來我覺著最保險和輕松的一塊。因為我們確實很強! 還記得全能比賽陳一冰因手腕受傷而放棄單杠比賽時的鎖眉表情,但那時候我知道,他一定可以將大家最喜歡他的笑容留在今天。而今天他非常守信用的向大家,向世界展示了他最可愛和燦爛的笑臉。他不知道,他的笑容已經迷倒了多少人!






今天程菲也與隊友和教練為兩小丫加油  | 当今天我看到体操赛场上连续两次都在最高点升起我们的五星红旗,并且前三名我们中国包揽两个时,那种骄傲是由衷的。昨天刚经历了悲喜交加的心情,今天终于可以喜笑颜开。










15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
that has to be the coolest picture ever ...
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
nice! you should have asked him to borrow it. ;-)
15 年多 ago



Beijing, China
June 27, 2007