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Li-Tong Hsu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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Xiao long xia! 小龙虾!

Me and my co hosts had a xiao long xia feast! We went to a very famous place where you can have xiao long xia (cray fish) called xiang li baba in xujia hui.

In the hairy crab season they also sell hairy crabs ( another favorite of mine!)

You get these plastic gloves and aprons to put on coz it can get messy! You also get a mini plastic tub for the shells.

There are different kinds to choose from and you can also decide how spicy you want it to be; little bit spicy, medium and hot! It's kinda like peeling prawns, but the shell is much harder. Not as hard as crab though. I always pull the head off first and then squeeze the shell between my fingers so the shell breaks and I can just tear it off... Hm... sounds a bit like a horror movie!

You then dip the crayfish it in some vinegar...sooo good!

One of the hosts once chipped her two front teeth when she bit in the shell... There's no need to use your teeth! You can just use your hands!

I didn't bring my camera, so I downloaded some pics from the net!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yikes! thats hardcore. did you go for mild or spicy?
over 17 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Etchy: I went for spicy of course! ;) Musicnote: yeay, you love crayfish too! Miaji+Asian Chick100: I start to appreciate spicy food more and more, but I don't eat that much that my tongue will burn for half an hour!
over 17 years ago
OMG!!! its my favorite food !!! ADI
over 17 years ago


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