Official Artist
Li-Tong Hsu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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White Crane Chronicles

Am already back from Hengdian!

I originally had to rush of to the Philippines for my other tv show right after the movie, so my schedule for the film was quite tight...I had to wake up at 03:30 for my first day of filming!!!

The trip to the Phils got postponed, but I will be going to Singapore again very soon!

The filming went quite well and everybody was really nice! I had a lot of fun with the stunt people, gosh... they work sooo hard!  The whole crew actually...Respect!

I initially had to do a pretty cool fight during the first action rehearsal...The stunt director filmed it with a mini dv cam and when I watched it I had to laugh so hard, I looked like a furious cat!

The second rehearsal, the director wanted to change the mood of the fight...The character who I had to fight doesn't hit women...Darn... I was looking forward to a real fight, hehe...

My tv show co-hosts and I all had to fight different people. One girl had to fight with David Carradine. David fought with the stunt double first... She got bruises all over! When he fought with my co-host, he was actually quite careful. He was making sure that she didn't fall or anything... He's a very nice and relaxed guy!  The other co-host got to fight a young guy who is in the Canadian martial arts team. I played the Head of the Sirens and I got to strangle one of the other leads with strands of beads... During the fight my body paint came off and some of the rings that I was wearing broke. My long sleeves kept tangling up too! It was really hot...I was sweating like a pig and my hair kept sticking to my face ...I kinda had to look seductive and charming. Well... I definitely didn't look anything close to that, haha!

As we were filming next to a lake, there were heaps of mosquitoes... I stopped counting the bites when I reached the number 20...I also had to go in the water... They said the place is not really polluted so the water couldn't be that dirty... I had to pour water over myself with a wooden pan... I drank a sip of water by accident...It was an interesting flavour...

All in all, I really enjoyed the time that I was there!

Here are some pics!!!

I love long hair!!!

Some body art...It wasn't really waterproof... so it had to be repainted over and over again...

Mr. David C!

I have a fascination for weapons...just so you know...

Be afraid... hehehe...

My strangling partner!

Some people from the stunt team!!!

Yep... and again my costume is nothing more than a bikini... Getting used to it...


I love it when this stunt director says action: He says it with so much passion!

over 17 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
hey my comment disappeared! ;-) looks great! good luck with the filming!
over 17 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Hi Etchy! Your comment didn't disappear, it's under albums! :p
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i'm so confused! my memory is going! ;-)
over 17 years ago


Nicola in Kinky Boots MIMI in RENT Aquino's mother in HERE LIES LOVE KIM in MISS SAIGON www.twitter.com/litonghsu http://www.weibo.com/litonghsu http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/2230907404

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Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
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May 14, 2007