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Li-Tong Hsu
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Weekend Higlights and even legends bleed...

My weekend highlights!


Vodka party at Three on the Bund with two friends and the one and only Mr. John Benn!

There was a free flow of vodka, a great performance by dancers from Jazz du Funk and some very scarcely dressed models to present the newly designed vodka bottles...So everyone was quite happy!

Saturday: I went to Zapatas, a club on hengshan lu to meet my friend Selina. Her boyfriend is one of the security guys at Zapatas so that's the reason why we decided to meet up there. Zapatas is one of the most popular hangs for expats in Shanghai. It's one of Shanghai's most wild party places. It's the only place  where you can get up on the bar and show off your dance moves in "Coyote Ugly" style! That's a bit too wild for me...My friend and I only danced on the dance floor, haha. It was great to see her again as we hadn't seen eachother in ages coz we both have been travelling a lot. Selina is one of China's Wushu gold medallists. I'm so proud of her!

I remember once we went shopping with some friends and this shop attendant was being quite rude to one of the customers...Selina got so angry! She started yelling at the shop attendant and all I could think was, ooh, that guy is in big trouble!! Hahaha!

Went to bed at 04:00


I thought I could sleep in a little bit, but I hadn't switched my mobile off and somebody called me at 07:20!!! I mean, please, it's Sunday!!!! It was a family friend asking for somebody's phone number...grrr... Tried to fall asleep again, but wasn't able to. Got up to go for a 09:30 meeting at the Starbucks in Raffles City. A formal introduction of the PERSONAL TRAINER to the Adventure Girls. Yes, from next week Tuesday the three of us will be training with this feisty 6-packed lady. She basically said that she is not gonna make it easy for us and that we have to train our butts off! ;) ! I think this is what I really need though, even though I've been going to the gym regularly, I still need somebody to push me! Fingers crossed, I hope I make it through the first session!

After she left, we decided to go for a yummy hotpot just around the corner! It's the kind where you have your own little hotpot in front of you, very cute!

I didn't have a massage in ages, so I went for a mini spa treatment with my friend Sunny. It was really what I needed!

Even Legends Bleed...

After the spa I went home to get changed first and then meet Sunny and another girl at John Benns home..

While I was chatting with the girl and Sunny was printing something out upstairs, we suddenly heard glass breaking upstairs... John managed to cut his hand open on his wine glass...His hand was bleeding heavily! When we rinsed his hand, the whole sink turned red!! 4 cuts in total... It scared the shit out of me! Luckily the bleeding stopped after a while and we disinfected the wounds with Absolut Vodka: It's not just for drinking!

We then had a nice dinner at a nice Hunan restaurant opposite his house, so luckily it all ended well!

May the coming week be safe, inspirational and a fruitful one for everybody!


over 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
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wow, busy! let's see some pics of 6 pack lady!
over 17 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Etchy: Had my first work out from 6 pack lady! She's good! 1.5 hours of cardio, weights and other exercises, then 30min of pilates. It wasn't too tough, but I think she decided to be not too hard on us coz it was our first session with her! Will take a pic of her next time! RenRen: I haven't tried out that dessert place yet! Will do it next time I'm in Raffles again! Thanks for sharing! ;) Patrick: I used to be scared of foot massages... But then in Beijing I got used to it. Now I quite enjoy the pain, haha. I actually like it when the body/foot massage is a little bit painful, coz afterwards it feels like such a relieve and I can relax! Musicnote: Yep, that was a busy weekend... Am still running around like a headless chicken! Today is a bit better, but have some meetings to go to later.
over 17 years ago


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May 14, 2007