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More partying...

Hey everybody!

I went to the gym today. I quite like taking the spinning classes now... You can lose between 400 and 600 calories in one class! That means I can eat more, haha!

I also sorted out some travel insurance and contracts today... Stuff like that needs to be done too...

Then I went to the opening of a Korean restaurant in the Gubei area... It was quite nice... I love Korean food! There was a nice buffet and lots of wine... After that I went to the opening of a new club called MAO which is located on Hengshan lu and Dongping lu...It's opposite the old cotton club... Saw a lot of friends who I also saw at the restaurant opening...Yes... Shanghai is about meeting a lot of people and having fun!


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  14 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great pics. i see you're getting the hang of the blogging thing. ;-) keep it up!
大约 17 年 ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Hi Jane! Here's a proper definition of spinning! Spinning is an aerobic exercise that takes place on a specially designed stationary bicycle called (obviously enough) a spinning bike. As you pedal, motivating music plays and the instructor talks you through a visualization of an outdoor cycling workout: "You're going up a long hill now, you can't see the top yet.…" During the class you vary your pace -- sometimes pedaling as fast as you can, other times cranking up the tension and pedaling slowly from a standing position. This helps you to focus inwardly and work on your mind as well as your body. Spinning burns serious calories (about 450 in 45 minutes) and offers an awesome aerobic workout that makes your heart pump fast. It also tones your quadriceps (front thigh muscles) and outer thigh muscles like nobody's business! Because you stay in one place with the same basic movement throughout, Spinning doesn't involve a lot of coordination; it's easier to concentrate on your form than in other types of aerobic classes. And although you follow the general instructions of the spinning teacher, you are in control when it comes to your pace. You can finish a spin class, regardless of your fitness level, simply by adjusting your pace or the tension knob on the bike.
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha, thats a good definition - i thought it was just a bunch of people in a room pedaling like crazy as an instructor yells: 'go faster!!'
大约 17 年 ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Hahahaha, Etchy...Right on the dot, hahaha! That's the short definition!!! ; )
大约 17 年 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I miss shanghai ... .... wow. i never thought i'd say that. i used to hate living there. i guess it grew on me.
大约 17 年 ago


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Shanghai, China & Amsterdam, Holland
May 14, 2007