Official Artist
Lisa Selesner
MC / Show Host , Model
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Some questions answered...

Thanks to everyone for commenting on my blog, photos, and guestbook. I am so surprised that people actually are interested. That’s so cool of you guys! Anyways, I am going to answer some of the questions that have been posted in those areas.

First of all, yes I still ride. Unfortunately, I don’t get to ride as much as I want to, but I’m not complaining with my once a week. It’s better then nothing. Luckily, Hong Kong has very beautiful facilities at the Hong Kong Jockey Club  Stables at Tuen Mun. The horses are in excellent shape and very well taken care of, and best of all they let me jump. The photos in my albums range from the ages of around 10 to 14. That was the pinnacle of my riding career. A time when my sights were still set on getting to the Olympics, not so much the pages of Vogue. Hopefully I can at least be a spectator at the Olympics Equestrian events that will be held in Hong Kong. It’ll be the closest I will ever get to my dream!

Concerning the pets, they ignore each other. There was a time when they tried to play together, but following a few mishaps, they’ve decided it’s best to act like the other isn’t there. Fine with me. Less accidents, less trips to the emergency vets office. Now, onto Buddy in the closet. No, this is not her doghouse. If  there is a thunderstorm and a closet door is open, any closet, she will jump in. She’s even tried to fit into Chiquita’s tiny little doghouse. She’s too strong for me to try to drag her out of the closet, so I have no choice but to let her slobber all over my precious handbags.

Shanook, the dog in South Africa is actually a friend of mine’s dog. However, she no longer lives in the valley, so Shanook stays with whoever is around, and whoever is offering the best meal. Everyone that is within walking distance of each other are friends or family, so he is in very good hands every night.  But, whenever I get to the valley, he sticks with me. I think I remind him of his owner, and I’ve also known him since he was a pup, so he feels comfortable and safe with me.

One funny question, and surprisingly a very commom one, was about my cow poo hut. No, it doesn’t disintegrate in the rain, and no it doesn’t smell like poo.  When combined with straw, water, and sand, it actually dries to a substance as strong as cement.

That’s all for now as this email is starting to drag on and on, and you guys are probably on the verge of collapsing with boredom, so laters everyone!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow cool. great feedback! thanks!
about 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Nice blog Lisa! You're cool peoples. Be sure to drop by the office to say hello next time you're in town!
about 17 years ago
Kevinli da kevinli
wohhhh...sis Lis!!...looks like ya havin fun....
about 17 years ago


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Member Since
August 27, 2005
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