Official Artist
Lisa Selesner
MC / Show Host , Model
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Hello All! | 大家好!

I'm back, back, back! Where did I disappear to, you may ask? Well, at the end of last year, when I essentially disappeared off the blogging radar, I was in fact in and around the area of HK working my little tail off. Mall events galore! It blows my mind how many malls an itty bitty little place like HK has...

    Anyways, after a brief visit to Japan for Xmas, I finally embarked on my long awaited yearly sabbatical in South Africa. It was a much needed, and much deserved if I may say so myself, 3 week break for my skin, hair, and most importantly, my brain. I was treated to two full blown African storms where the thunder and lightning shook my house as if in the center of an earthquake, trekked through the surrounding mountains, and did a whole lot of glorious nothing .

| 我回來啦,回來啦,回來啦!你可能會問我最近消失去哪兒了?去年底開始我就沒寫博客,其實是在香港忙得不可開交。商場活動太豐富!無法想象香港這麽一個彈丸之地有多少商場…


One of the views from my front porch.

| 從我家門廊望出去的風景

My low maintenance garden. | 很少修葺的花園

Bugs gettin' it on in my low maintenance garden. Aaahhh... nature is beautiful... | 蟲子飛到了我的花園。啊…大自然真美…

Other, more PG, things you find in my garden. Those black eyes on its back are actually just camouflage. When you looked at those black spots, it really looked like a fine arts painter painted them on. Even up close they looked like real eyes. | 我花園裏的更多發現。它身上這些黑色眼睛實際上只是偽裝。你仔細看那些黑點,象傑出藝術家畫上去的。再靠近點看就象真眼睛。

My handicapped house guest. | 我的殘疾訪客。

Just a hop, skip, and a jump from my place. Went fishing for the first time in my life this trip in this dam. | 離我住處只有一步之遙。我生平第一次釣魚就在這個水壩。

Lily of the Valley. The grumpiest pig in all the land. She likes to chase people and nip at their legs. She's actually slimmed down quite a bit since last year, so this is the new svelte Lily. | 山谷Lily,這片陸地上脾氣暴躁的野豬。她喜歡追著人跑,拱他們的腳。比去年瘦了許多,所以這是全新的苗條Lily。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
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awesome pics. totally beautiful place! can i rent it out for a week or two?
over 16 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
August 27, 2005
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