Official Artist
Lisa Selesner
MC / Show Host , Model
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Boo Hoo Hoo!!!

Back in Hk, and kinda bummed. Although I’ve learned to appreciate some things in Hong Kong, such as the efficiency of the medical system, I’ve come to realize, I’m pretty homesick. I love New York! It’s the simple things like getting a toasted bagel with cream cheese delivered to your doorstep at 3 a.m. or having a plethora of interesting and diverse things to do on your off time. Anyways, I vow to return in the not so distant future!  I was really really happy though to get home to my daughter, Chiquita!

Of  course, as soon as I return, I get thrown right back into the game. Shot an SK II ad the very next day. I was VERY sleepy since jet-lag had me awake at 5:00 a.m. 

| 回到香港,有點找不著北。雖然我已學著去欣賞香港的一些事物,比如醫療系統的效率。但還是犯了嚴重的思鄉病,我愛紐約!懷念那些很簡單的東西,象奶油起司烤面包圈在淩晨3點送到家門口,或閑暇時能有那麽多有趣的事情可做。無論如何,我最近還要回去!雖然回到香港的家再見到女兒Chiquita是那麽開心!

我一回來就投入工作了,第二天就拍攝SK II廣告,時差讓我5點就醒過來,好困。

| 回到香港,有点找不着北。虽然我已学着去欣赏香港的一些事物,比如医疗系统的效率。但还是犯了严重的思乡病,我爱纽约!怀念那些很简单的东西,象奶油起司烤面包圈在凌晨3点送到家门口,或闲暇时能有那么多有趣的事情可做。无论如何,我最近还要回去!虽然回到香港的家再见到女儿Chiquita是那么开心!我一回来就投入工作了,第二天就拍摄SK II广告,时差让我5点就醒过来,好困。

over 17 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, great pics. its great to see the 'behind the scenes' view!
over 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
a 3 a.m. bagel is the biggest draw for New York? Heck ... I'LL bring you a bagel at 3 a.m. so you can stay in HK and hang out with us more, howzat? ^__^
over 17 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
August 27, 2005
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