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Kit Hung
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
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Madonna's Concert 2008, Dubendorf, Switzerland

" We arre alll making history in Switzerlandd." this host outside the concert stadium sounds very lousy and pretentious , but it's true.

Madonna comes to Zurich yesterday and giving us yet another unreplacable moment...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

baring the names - a collective emotions

I remember when I first enter AnD, I read Norm Yip's earily blog entry, talking about "what is about bloging....", " how much things are private, what is for public....", "Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Soundless Wind Chime Shooting Finished

Finally, all the shooting is done. Thank you very much for all the support, I am in the editing room everyday working on the post, and will be in Berlin soon for the soundtrack.

Also, yesterday, finally managed to consolidate all the my blogs into this one in AnD. Hope you guys enjoy.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

CLUB 8 and Edson

Beijing shooting in 1 week... trying to get some relaxation...

One of the rewards from the Beijing trip last 2 weeks, is that I find 2 great CDs in a bookshop on Wu Dao Kou. There's a label in Beijing talking care of this 2 titles in China, hope they will bring more beautiful music to the Chinese audience.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Shirley Kwan Unexpected Live in Concert

Concert photos taken fromhttp://shirleykwanfans.com/

這星期是很多member的「show time」。個幾星期看兩個concerts,大出血大出血!

Shirley 是中學同學Donald先喜歡的,那時候我們在學校會學唱學跳「夜迷宮」。和劉美君一樣我們都不太深究「情慾歌詞」這個關題。只是覺得「好聽」罷了。

記得去過勁歌金曲Shirley的show, 那天他為我簽名的 Album "Ex"還在。「深夜港灣」、「夢伴」意猶未盡。她第一次看的演唱會未有錢看,再關的時候不在香港,直到上星期五。

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over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares



over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


我第一個自己喜歡的「偶像」是劉美君。第一盒用自己錢買的錄音帶是Love and Passion - Best of Prudence I, 那時候她好像剛離開BMG。然後就慢慢找回之前專輯。

「一對舊皮鞋」在小學五年級聽。記得吳君如在金像歌曲獎扮「牛尾君」唱「仔,你老豆佢傻間間。」昨天去了看她在紅館的演唱會,三個小時內覺得自己特然年青了很多。除了「富士山下」要問Wilzun是什麼歌外,其他的歌我都可以一起唱 (而且還知道她在什麼地方唱錯了歌詞)。聽到「點解」,當她一開始「數白欖」的時候全身有一點發斗,因為其實真的有點「老土」,但同時又覺得好開心好正!自己一邊跟着她唱,一邊嘗試壓制着內心的「姣」。有林憶蓮和她一起唱「沒結果」,一下琴弦後憶蓮清唱一句「鬧哄的約會告終...」,全塲大叫,二人對唱、相擁,如果不是玩Lesbianism的話就不知是什麼。大膽明顯,但又不畫公仔畫出腸,好正!沒有大多的說話,就如她的歌裡面的題材,不說出來,但大家心知肚明。我們encore了兩次,唱到沒有歌可再唱,最後全塲大合唱了「最後一夜」。她哭了。這是我第一個看到站起來的香港歌手演唱會。

第一個會在encore的時候和她一起哭的演唱會。Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Malcomlm Mclaren - Waltz Daring

Woo, thank you so much for all your words, I am feeling better after a few dose of the medi. I was flipping over my CD today, digi some mp3 from CD, and it was playing this songs, with the helps of you tube, I find the MV of it.

Remember that time we are still talking about "cover version" of songs, but no body dig the original to listen to.

Both original and cover version is good, Mclaren is already 62 now, living in Paris, still working as an artist/musician, if you dig into Wikepidia, you will fin...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Soundless Wind Chime

Just finished the Swiss shotting of SLWC, dont know what can be told, what can not. Let's share with everybody here the news release on the national paper in Switzerland.

More update later

! Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares





Losec - twice a day

Motolium - Four times a day

Gasteel - Four times a day

Gastrocaine Suspension - Four times a day






over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Thank you for visiting my blog, for more info, please also visit: http://www.KitHung.net. From today on, I will slowly release notes from the making of my fi

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
October 11, 2007