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Kelly Hu
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Bulgaria update | 在保加利亞 | 在保加利亚

The flight from L. A. to London was amazing.  We flew first class on Virgin Atlantic.  The seats folded down to full beds and we each had our own little cubby hole.  I got a massage on the flight.  Not a very good one mind you.  Should have opted for the much needed manicure instead.  Managed to sleep 8 of the 10 1/2 hours of flight.   

But then had a miserable 7 hour lay over at Heathrow.  I was hoping to visit a friend while in London, but due to the high security we weren't allowed to leave the airport because we had luggage checked through.  So I ended up spending way more money than I should have at the shops in the airport.

Bulgaria is quite dreary and poor.  The buildings are mostly old and grey.  The only manicured lawns I've seen in the place so far are here at the hotel and at the American Embassy.  The embassy is a very large, new building with lots of security.  Somewhat imposing.  The shopping center is quite modern, too.  The young people seem to spend a lot of money on their fashion.  The t.v. channels are filled with fashion and music videos.  Interesting.

I'm glad my cousin, Michael, was able to come along to assist and cook for me.  The food here is, as I suspected, mostly bread, sausages, cheese and over cooked veggies.  Makes it difficult since I've been on a cleansing diet for the past 3 1/2 months now.  Got pretty sick after the marathon and my acupuncturist put me on a diet free of wheat, dairy, alcohol, sugar, white rice (only brown), anything fermented (like soy sauce, miso, or vinegar), tomatoes, corn, red meat, and a whole bunch of other stuff that's supposed to be off limits until my system gets stronger.  We have a driver who has taken us shopping for food and things for the apartment.  We went to a Costco-like store and a big grocery store.  I was surprised to find a small health food section in the grocery store and soy milk at the Costco place.  What a relief.  We flew first class so we were able to bring 3 bags each.  I brought 2 suitcases of clothes and packed one full of food from home.  Did manage to forget my camera though.  My friend, Krista, whose staying at my apartment for the next month, is FedExing it to me.  As usual, packed way too much clothes.  Should have packed more food.

The apartment isn't too bad.  Not luxurious but comfortable enough.  I did have to ask them for a microwave oven though.  We have a washer in the unit but no drier.  Spoiled American, huh?  We have to hang everything on a rack outside on our balcony.  Very old school.  We only have 2 burners on our stove, too.  But it's the modern kind that's completely flat.  Michael's been making some really great healthy stuff on just 2 burners anyway.  We get a free breakfast at the hotel every day, but the only thing I can really eat there are the eggs.  I've been cheating a bit and eating the yogurt with some muesli, but I've been paying with a sore stomach.  Lactose intolerant.

Lots of stray dogs in this city.  A cute, friendly Golden retriever sits in front of our apartment building.  I haven't seen it yet, but my make up and hair guy, Kauila, bought food for it yesterday at the Costco place.  Apparently the dogs are a real problem here.  Some have rabies, but most do not.  The people here are friendly with them and feed them, but won't take them in.  So they just continue to multiply.  They think it's cruel to catch them and fix them and they don't want to exterminate them either.  Quite a dilemma.

Found out something quite unusual about Bulgarian culture today.   They have opposite head movements for yes and no.  They shake their heads for "yes" and nod their heads for "no".  Someone in our crew got stuck in town when she went from cab to cab asking if they'd take her to the hotel.  Everyone kept shaking their heads "yes", but she took it as a "no" and couldn't get back for hours.  It's a good thing they told us that one!

Just found out that I have 3 weeks off in a row.  Don't think I should go home in case they need me back immediately.  Plus the time change is already killing me.  I will more than likely go somewhere around here in Europe.  Maybe visit Bryan Singer and Chris Lee shooting "Valkyrie" in Germany or some friends in Romania shooting the next "Narnia" film.  We'll see.

(Also posted some pix from the Yellow Magazine photo shoot.)

| 從洛杉磯飛到倫敦的航程很棒。我們乘坐的是維珍航空公司的頭等艙。椅子可以全部放下來變成床,每個人都有一個小房間。途中我還做了按摩,按摩做得不夠好,應該換成更需要的指甲美容。在10.5小時的飛行中我睡了8小時。







剛剛發現我已經離開家3周時間了,別以為他們想要我回去我就會立即回家。加上倒時差的反應,我已經快崩潰了。既然到了歐洲,我想到附近幾個地方遊玩一番。可能去找布萊恩•辛格,在德國拍攝”Valkyrie”的Chris Lee,或者在羅馬尼亞拍《納尼亞傳奇》續集的一些朋友。看看會去哪兒。



| 从洛杉矶飞到伦敦的航程很棒。我们乘坐的是维珍航空公司的头等舱。椅子可以全部放下来变成床,每个人都有一个小房间。途中我还做了按摩,按摩做得不够好,应该换成更需要的指甲美容。在10.5小时的飞行中我睡了8小时。

但是之后我们在希斯罗机场停留了7个小时。我本打算到伦敦时探望一位朋友,但因为我们有行李在海关,因为安全问题没办法离开机场。结果害我只能在机场商店逛,花了更多钱。保加利亚很沉闷、穷困,建筑多半老旧灰沉。我在这里唯一见到修剪过的草坪只在酒店和美国大使馆。大使馆是一幢巨大的新建筑,有很多保安措施,很壮观。购物中心也很现代。年轻人为赶时髦花了不少钱,电视频道充斥着时装和MV,真是有趣。很高兴表兄Michael作为助理一起过来,给我煮饭。这里的食物象我预料的一样,都是面包、腊肠、起司和煮过了头的蔬菜。过去3个半月里我吃的食物都被严格控制,所以现在比较难适应。跑完马拉松之后我得了重病,针灸医生告诫我不能吃小麦、牛奶、酒精、糖、白米饭(只能吃棕米)、任何发酵的东西(例如酱油沙司、味噌或醋)、西红柿、玉米、红肉以及凡是任何有可能对我身体有影响的食物,直到我的身体系统恢复正常。有位司机开车带我们去买食物和日常用品,我们去了一个类似Costco的超市和一家大杂货店。很惊讶地在杂货店里找到一些健康食品,在Costco超市里买到了豆奶,谢天谢地。我们坐头等舱过来,每人都能带3件行李。我带了2箱衣物和满满1箱家里带来的食物,可还是忘了我的相机。朋友Krista下个月在我公寓里住,会把相机快递给我。习惯了带很多衣服,应该带更多吃的才对。公寓还不算太差,不豪华但是很舒适,但我还是要求他们配备了一台微波炉。我们有一台洗衣机,但不带烘干功能。美国人都被宠坏了,是吗?我们只得在阳台上晾晒所有衣物。很旧的学校。我们的炉子只有2个火头,时髦的设计,但中看不中用。还好Michael很厉害,能用2个火头做出很棒的健康食品。每天我们可以在酒店吃免费早餐,但我能吃的只有鸡蛋,忍不住诱惑偷偷吃了酸奶和牛奶早餐,结果胃痛起来。乳糖排斥反应。[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

[endif]这个城市有太多的流浪狗。一头聪明友善的金色巡回猎犬站在我们公寓的前面,我以前没见过它,但我的造型发型师Kauila昨天在Costco超市为它买了食物。狗患在这里的确是个大问题。有些有狂犬病,但大部分没有。居民对他们很友好,喂养他们,但是不会带回家,所以这些狗继续繁殖。他们觉得抓这些狗处理掉很残忍,而且也根本不想消灭他们。真是进退两难。今天发现了保加利亚文化的独特之处,他们用跟我们完全相反的头部动作表达”是”或”否”。摇头代表”是”,点头则是”否”。我们一位工作人员从城里回酒店花了点时间,她找了一辆又一辆出租车,问他们是否愿意载她去酒店,每个人都一直摇头表示”是的”,但她以为是”不”,结果花了几个小时才回来。还好有人告诉了我们这件重要的事情!刚刚发现我已经离开家3周时间了,别以为他们想要我回去我就会立即回家。加上倒时差的反应,我已经快崩溃了。既然到了欧洲,我想到附近几个地方游玩一番。可能去找布莱恩·辛格,在德国拍摄”Valkyrie”的Chris Lee,或者在罗马尼亚拍《纳尼亚传奇》续集的一些朋友。看看会去哪儿。[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  18 comments  0 shares
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i changed planes at Sofia airport once back in the early 90s, it was pretty bleak. I'm sure it has improved (somewhat) now. good luck on your project. You should definitely travel around europe on your time off, its all pretty close but you can see lots of great stuff on the Adriatic coast, etc!
almost 17 years ago


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