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"The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number 11"

11:11 - What Does it Mean?

... added a cross, the perpendicular and horizontal lines of which were supposed to form

the foundation of the spiritual temple, by ... The meaning of 11:11 as the ...



11:11 - Eleven-Eleven

11:11 is said to be a pre-encoded trigger placed in our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which when activated, signifies that our time of completion and ascension is near. It is believed that one knows when this particular gateway opens for them by continually seeing the numbers 11:11 in there every day lives as a continuous occurrence. Activation of other gateways may be symbolized by other digits.

The frequent appearance of 11:11 that and sometimes others repeating numbers in an infinite number of ways, is a pre-programmed wake-up call.  The mere fact that these numbers are being constantly manipulated in order to seek our attention, goes a long way towards convincing us that other realities exist. In truth we are spiritual beings experiencing physical life, not a physical body have spiritual experiences. It's our spiritual consciousness that is being addressed by our physical eyes being called to attention by seeing these numbers. We all struggle during our physical lifetime to remember who we really are, and for what life's purpose we serve. Being on the receiving end of an endless repetition of 11:11 wake-up calls should act as a positive reminder of our spiritual life.

Eleven for aeons has been known as the number of enlightenment ... in fact a gateway to enlightenment that's often seen symbolically represented by twin pillars erected on either side of an entrance to ancient mystery temples. Freemasons regard the left hand pillar (Boaz) as representing strength, while the right hand pillar (Jachin) is set up to establish righteousness. Symbolically we can see that the visual eleven possesses a dual quality and trait, as strength plus established righteousness equals stability.

Characteristically the black and white tiles on the floor of a Templar church, Gothic cathedral or a Masonic lodge fit together to form an integrated whole, which is the a symbol of duality creating balance.

As we speak of the duality, we are saying that the number eleven should never be thought of as having only one meaning, as duality is black as well as white in the duality. The people in ancient times often feared the number eleven, because with enlightenment we also must face change. This means that there will be mass upheaval when the old order of things is being swept aside. This is the exact situation we are seeing now while we are having  the 11:11 experiences, as this is our eleventh hour.

over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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I get this with 44 and 4:44
over 13 years ago


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