Johnny Chen
演员, 编剧, 音乐监製
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Knockin' on my door..

 About fifteen years ago, I was approached by a certain music producer to become a so-called "Idol" in Taiwan.  The idea of getting rich and famous when you were fifteen was out of this world. I couldn't wait to jump on the opportunity. At the time I was obsessed  with BBD, Bobby Brown, the rest of the New Edition, and of course...The New Jack City soundtrack.  So the thought of being a Taiwanese version of a R&B artist blew my mind away.  But there was one hold back. I was terrified! I was scared cuz I knew I didn't have the training nor the passion for the industry. At least not yet. For crying out loud,  I don't even have my driver's license.  Nonetheless, I was ready for the opportunity.

If my memory serves me right, it was my mother who said ," You must finish your education in the US before doing anything you want to do."  Being the good boy that I am, I agreed to her terms and turned down the opportunity to move to Taiwan. The opportunity was dismissed but the seed was already planted. 

15 years later, I am back in Taiwan and about take another step towards becoming an artiste instead of just an actor. First of all,  I'm not a trained musician and I can't sing like LeeHom. However, I believe I can carry a tune and do have a good ear for music. Tell you the truth, I love acting and I can do this for the rest of my life.  Like the NBA players who have basketballs tattooed on their bodies to show their love for the game, I have Stella Adler's teachings tattooed in my heart.  Just the other day, I heard somebody say," you don't choose your work but your work chooses you." At first I didn't know what that meant. I was always a true believer of being the master of your own universe and I still am. This is why I quit my job in advertising to pursue acting and why I moved from HK back to Taiwan. Why move out of HK to Taiwan? you might ask. The answer is simple.... opportunity. The opportunity to take on new acting challenges presented itself and I took it.

Exactly one year later, music came knockin' on my door again. Thanks to my  friend Park, I am now part of a project that might change my perception of this industry. I've always thought that an actor should just be an actor and a singer should just be a singer. "Know your role," I would say to my friends.  Being the Taurean that I am, I'm extremely stubborn when it comes to this principle.  However, after listening to Park's music, I see flashes and images of how this project can evolve into something special. I might be skeptical at times but that's the actor in me trying to "cock block" the creative flow. I'm not being biased because he's my friend, but I  really think PARK is talented.


大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
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I can just see it now: The New Jack Swing takes over Taiwan's music market in 2010!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 31454
aw yeeah boysIImen, abc, bbd, the east coast family haha i wish you da best my brotha!
大约 14 年 ago


Hi My name is Johnny, the "H" is silent.


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
April 20, 2007