Official Artist
joelatay wowtv
Producer , MC / Show Host , Singer
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wooo wooo woooo..............


back at my radio station.....my 2nd job.....small time dj, talk show host.

Finally at 3pm, we were dismissed....tell us to run...to leave right away...

the other top management called my Boss....

if we stay for another hour....I dont think any of those staff can get out of the premises....

i was wearing a gentle smile when i heard that....'Finally!'

i helped shuffuled as many as snow blocked cars to ease their exits....

I brought an extra Big Shuffle.

The road is crazy.....but my heart is indeed peaceful.

Looking out my studio window.....watching fallen flakes....

blowing towards and against where I stood...

Quite a sight.

Still warm n safe so far....

talk to U when I get home.

woooo wooo wooo...........the wind blows


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Every time I turn on the TV today, all the national news and weather channels talk about is the big storm. Here in North Carolina, it hasn't been below freezing for a week, and today it was 70 degrees! It all sounds very far away. I wonder if we will have any snow this year? Some winters we don't have any snow, not even flurries. Be safe.
almost 16 years ago


a journey of feeling content. Everyday i pray this little prayer sometimes with my eyes closed sometimes not..... let me be real let me be honest let m

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Toronto, Canada
Member Since
November 15, 2008