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October 8, 2007: "Mummy 3" Shoot | 2007年10月08日: 木乃伊3開拍 | 2007年10月08日: 木乃伊3开拍

Photo by Dassan

it's been just a couple days since arriving in Montreal, Canada and joining the production of "The Mummy 3".  As I sit here, reading the Chinese / English scrīpt, I have a sense of deja vu ...

In my May 4th blog entry, I mentioned a similar experience while reading the scrīpt for "The Forbidden Kingdom".  And now I'm reading a new scrīpt.  As I've said, the process of making movies is like dreaming, and the life of a filmmaker is also like a dream.  It is like having a dream within a dream.

In the end, making movies is my job, so I won't let the audience down.  I always try my best to do a good job.  I will be here for just 2 weeks and then the production moves to China to complete the film there.   Rob Cohen, the director, showed me 8 minutes of edited footage taken from the past 2 months of film production.  I was in shock when I saw it.  Rob is a good friend of mine -- we've been thinking about working together for the past 2 years -- so we're both very excited to finally be on set together, making this happen!

Mummy 3 is the largest production I've ever been involved with in my entire career.  The budget is roughly $152 million USD.  I heard that there are 1200 crew members in China.  It's such a huge team!

Whenever I start work on a new film, I tell myself that I am just a student -- I will learn everything from the beginning and work to make it the best.  When I have more updates from the production of Mummy 3 we will chat more!

Photo by Dassan

Photo by Dassan|

Photo by Dassan前幾天剛趕到加拿大的蒙特婁,參加木乃伊3的拍攝。現在坐在這裏,看中英文的劇本,一種很熟悉的感覺…

五月四號我在博客裏曾經講過,當時還在熟讀工夫之王的劇本,現在又讀一個新的劇本。我常常覺得,電影是個做夢的過程,而拍攝電影的這個生命本身,也是個夢, 這就像個夢中做夢的經驗。不知不覺地過了四個月,在橫店四十多度的高溫下完成一部電影,轉眼就過去了。為壹基金忙乎了兩三個禮拜,突然又要拍電影,那種感觸就像從夢中醒過來,夢裏的感觸已經不太清晰了。




Photo by Dassan

Photo by Dassan|

Photo by Dassan


五 月四号我在博客里曾经讲过,当时还在熟读工夫之王的剧本,现在又读一个新的剧本。我常常觉得,电影是个做梦的过程,而拍摄电影的这个生命本身,也是个梦, 这就像个梦中做梦的经验。不知不觉地过了四个月,在横店四十多度的高温下完成一部电影,转眼就过去了。为壹基金忙乎了两三个礼拜,突然又要拍电影,那种感 触就像从梦中醒过来,梦里的感触已经不太清晰了。




Photo by Dassan

Photo by Dassan

16 年多 前 0 赞s  95 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, did you take those pics? great stuff!
16 年多 ago



Shanghai, China
March 24, 2007