Official Artist
Jet Li
Actor , Producer , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing
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Took us awhile to get to the statue, but unfortunately a cloud drifted in just as we got to the top. A game of hide and seek ensued as we tried to snap pictures of Jesus when his face peeked through gaps in the cloud, but results were pretty mixed. Cloud wins the day, but we'll bring faster cameras next time.

| 走了好一會兒我們才到達那個石像,但可惜的是,正當我們到達山頂,一片雲剛好遮過來。我們只好跟雲玩起捉迷藏,等待耶穌的面孔從雲中出現,再嘗試拍一些照片。但結果不是很理想,雲獲勝了。我們下次一定會帶拍得更快的相機。

| 走了好一会儿我们才到达那个石像,但可惜的是,正当我们到达山顶,一片云刚好遮过来。我们只好跟云玩起捉迷藏,等待耶稣的面孔从云中出现,再尝试拍一些照片。但结果不是很理想,云获胜了。我们下次一定会带拍得更快的相机。

| Took us awhile to get to the statue, but unfortunately a cloud drifted in just as we got to the top. A game of hide and seek ensued as we tried to snap pictures of Jesus when his face peeked through gaps in the cloud, but results were pretty mixed. Cloud wins the day, but we'll bring faster cameras next time.

about 15 years ago 0 likes  26 comments  0 shares
13217210 1743870255825165 2847427840276028739 o
Wow! I've been there a few years ago, is pretty amazing! Hi, my name is Jorge. How are you Jet? I live in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA, you are WELCOME anytime! My daughter is a big big fan of you, she likes 'Forbidden Kingdom'...she's only 4 years old. Hope to have the opportunity to meet you personally someday. Thanx for sharing your life with us. Best regards from ARGENTINA
about 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Jeeezus that looks big!
about 15 years ago


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March 24, 2007