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Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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Greetings from India!!!!


在Gujarat 和 Orissa。我之前去過印度兩次,一次是和NGO的人去當volunteer,另一次還去上課學怎麼當yoga老師。我這幾天野又作yoga,上次作是七個月前了!!



我平常一定都會用有DEET份的,最有效!! 但是昨天我的team 借我用一個是有花草成分的,還滿香的不像是防蚊子的。

我本來就很喜歡有花草味道的東西,我們家就有很多vanilla 或是其他味道的candles。

Anyway, we are moving to a new location today. Hopefully the internet connection will be better !! :):)

Here is an article about our crew filming in India:

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about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

GOLDEN BELL AWARDS!! 金鐘獎!!!!!! 今天!!

我好緊張喔!! 今天是我第三次參加金鐘獎! 而且,今年真的很感動因為我們節目又入圍了, 而且, 我真個team 都腰跟我一起走紅地毯!! :):)

我真的好開心因為他們是節目的backbone! 沒有他們,我今天真的不可能有這麼好的節目, 工作, 朋友們。 希望希望希望我們今年可以把兩個蔣都那回來!! :)

今年, 我爸爸媽媽也會到現場! 我姊姊本來也腰來但是後來因為颱風的問題所以沒有辦法飛到台灣:(

我阿媽也是再台灣然後現在比交好。 (他跌到然後後來又有費的發炎:( 我們還滿擔心的但是他現在好多了。 thank god!)

所以不管這麼揚, 我今天是很開心的。 我的愛的人都在我的旁邊or at least in spirit, i know they are here! :)

還有你們!! 如果你還再看我這個blog 我真的腰感謝你的字詞!! 我這麼久沒有寫東西然後你們都還再看我的blog,還有寫信給我。 我真的很感動。 謝謝你們!


wish me good luck! :) see you...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

Washington and Oregon, USA

I am currently in the USA now filming, Fun USA - Washington and Oregon. We are emphasizing on the nature and also the wines that come from here!!! so much wine drinking :)

It's so beautiful here and I am having a great time. Highlights from the trip so far:

  1. singing karaoke LIVE on stage in front of everybody (I need to learn how to sing!)

  2. falling really really hard off of a mountain bike on the trails and getting really bloody knees and elbows.

  3. catching a 17 inch trout...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

幫我!我金鐘獎應該穿什麼衣服?!? :)


有沒有喜歡的designer? 品牌? style? hollywood 明星的樣子?!



over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Happy Mid-Autumn's Day Festival!!!


I hope everybody has a great BBQ, and a great Mooncake festival day, surrounded by your family and friends...

that's really what this day is all about.... :)



over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Discovery TLC《瘋台灣》入圍99金鐘行腳節目獎、《Janet【謝怡芬】/瘋台灣入圍99金鐘行腳節目主持人獎!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the third year in a row that I've been nominated for best tv show host at the Golden Bell Awards!!

I'm very excited this year because Fun Taiwan was ALSO nominated!!! :):)

It's just so great to be recognized like this and of course I'm nervous about winning, but also nervous about what i'm going to wear, who I'm going to walk with down the red carpet, what would I say if i won, If i'm going to trip, etc. etc. :)

I may not...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

blogs, facebook, new computer, Janet - SICK SICK SICK!

I have been sick for almost 10 days now, and it's really starting to get annoying. i've been to the doctors twice already and taking so many pills. i usually hate taking pills. I have an upper respiratory tract infection - in other words - the FLU!!! :(:(:(

so, i'm really bad at updating my blog, but there's a guy who's doing a great job. check this out!!

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over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

HELLO? 還記得我嗎?

has it really been 4 MONTHS since i've written in my journal?!?!?!?

i think it has! 我沒有什麼藉口。我們卻是有一點忙。 拍完了一真季 的瘋台灣, 然後還有拍了一般以上的瘋亞洲, 但是honestly, 我因為懶惰所以沒有寫東西。 哈哈哈哈。

okay. maybe not completely lazy, but I have been very busy and I am also very frustrated with this uploading method. 我沒有太多時間慢慢的一個一個上傳我的照片。應該有比較快一點的方式。 but i also use a mac computer so i think that also makes things a bit more complicated with this yahoo website.

anyways, no excuses. I will try and update more often.

these days, i feel like it'...Read more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares



瘋台灣徵求20名粉絲參加全新一季首映及艋舺導覽行程已額滿 ,入選的朋友我們將電話通知,


Discovery 旅遊生活頻道

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Fun Taiwan looking for 10 foreigners to atten the new season premier with Manga tour

Invitation of Fun Taiwan Premier

with the Monga Tour

!!Janet along with the Newby Nadia

Invite you to the New Fun Taiwan Premier!!

InviteesRead more

over 14 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Model, violinist, author, actress, polyglot, travel glutton.

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November 25, 2009