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Janet Hsieh
Actor , MC / Show Host
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HELLO? 還記得我嗎?

has it really been 4 MONTHS since i've written in my journal?!?!?!?

i think it has! 我沒有什麼藉口。我們卻是有一點忙。 拍完了一真季 的瘋台灣, 然後還有拍了一般以上的瘋亞洲, 但是honestly, 我因為懶惰所以沒有寫東西。 哈哈哈哈。

okay. maybe not completely lazy, but I have been very busy and I am also very frustrated with this uploading method. 我沒有太多時間慢慢的一個一個上傳我的照片。應該有比較快一點的方式。 but i also use a mac computer so i think that also makes things a bit more complicated with this yahoo website.

anyways, no excuses. I will try and update more often.

these days, i feel like it's always a game of catch up. trying to catch up with the various online blogs, facebook updates, twitter feeds, and an assortment of other websites to read and update. I also just recently started writing in my journal again, which i used to do every single day. it's a good way to relieve yourself of pressure at the end of the day. it's also a great diary to have one day when you want to remember some moments or just want to relive a few memories and experiences.

so, what have i been doing recently? 我應該問, 我最近沒有作什麼! 真的做了很多東西, 也去了很多地方。

我們拍了新的瘋台灣。 跟我的co-host Nadia。 你們有看節目嗎? 你覺得這麼樣?我們一直很想要你們的feedback 所以你可以跟我們說你喜歡不喜歡的地方。 我們都想要進步。 我有的是後也是碰到一個問題。 這麼揚讓我們去過的地方還是一樣很有趨!所以你們的意見非常的重要。

我們也去了不少國外的點。 Queensland (澳洲), Fiji (斐濟嗎?), 內蒙古, 馬來西亞。


我自己去了美國,痛加?東家?(Tonga)紐西蘭 (一天而已)。

我去湖南上一個節目 (我忘記名字。 我找到那個link 的時候,我會分享給你們)

還有我再TEDx Taipei 演講! 那個link 是


你們可以看看。 我是用英文講但是有一些中文。

現在, 我們還再拍瘋台灣跟瘋亞洲所以我差不多3 個禮拜都沒有再台北。

i'll try and upload some photos soon!

thanks for those who have stuck with me all these months that i was MIA!

Chat soon



over 13 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
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Welcome back to the world of communication! Congrats for being too busy! It's a good problem to have!
over 13 years ago


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