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Hong Kong Parkour
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Peter's Video

飛躍道於澳門的海外隊員Peter最近為飛躍道拍攝了一條他自己的個人影片, 十分漂亮!! 來看看吧! =]

HKPA Macau oversea member - Peter just did a video for HKPA, that is beautiful!! Come and  check it! =]

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Peters Video

飛躍道於澳門的海外隊員Peter最近為飛躍道拍攝了一條他自己的個人影片, 十分漂亮!! 來看看吧! =]

HKPA Macau oversea member - Peter just did a video for HKPA, that is beautiful!! Come and  check it! =]

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Rural ParkourTraining camp

野外訓練一直都是Parkour其中一個最重要的原素, 而野外是Parkour最原始的雛型。 飛躍道內部幾位隊員於09年8月14日就到了野外進行了一個2日1夜的野外Parkour 訓練營。 而隊員和攝影師 - 鋒 亦拍攝了好些賞心悅目的照片, 大家可以從照片, 跟我們一起走進野外, 感受大自然的感覺。Rural training is always one of the most important elements in parkour, as parkour was originated in the rural environment. A number of HKPA members went for a rural parkour training camp of 2 days and 1 night on 14 Aug, 2009. Fung, our team member and photographer, took some nice pictures. Let's enjoy the pictures and appreciate the power of the nature with us.Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Rural ParkourTraining camp

野外訓練一直都是Parkour其中一個最重要的原素, 而野外是Parkour最原始的雛型。 飛躍道內部幾位隊員於09年8月14日就到了野外進行了一個2日1夜的野外Parkour 訓練營。 而隊員和攝影師 - 鋒 亦拍攝了好些賞心悅目的照片, 大家可以從照片, 跟我們一起走進野外, 感受大自然的感覺。Rural training is always one of the most important elements in parkour, as parkour was originated in the rural environment. A number of HKPA members went for a rural parkour training camp of 2 days and 1 night on 14 Aug, 2009. Fung, our team member and photographer, took some nice pictures. Let's enjoy the pictures and appreciate the power of the nature with us.Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

HKPA Jam 9th, August,2009

HKPA just did a jam om 9th,August,2009. This is the vieo, enjoy =]

飛躍道於 09年8月9日 進行了一次jam, 這是當日的影片, 希望你喜歡=]我們的好朋友: www.G-Tox.com 

Our good friend: www.G-Tox.com

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

HKPA Jam 9th, August,2009

HKPA just did a jam om 9th,August,2009. This is the vieo, enjoy =]

飛躍道於 09年8月9日 進行了一次jam, 這是當日的影片, 希望你喜歡=]我們的好朋友: www.G-Tox.com 

Our good friend: www.G-Tox.com

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

UST Orientation CAMP Workshop

於2009年8月12日, 香港飛躍道協會到了香港科技大學, 為一群剛新入校的學生於迎新營中進行了一個簡單的Parkour 工作坊, 當日工作坊人數十分多, 為數有百多人,  工作坊內容主要為簡單的Parkour 基本技巧體驗和一些分享, 當日活動由 You C 1000贊助。以下是一試當日的活動照片:On 12th, August,2008, HKPA  held a Parkour workshop at The Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology. This is a part of the orientation camp. There are more than 100 peoples, during the workshop, student can have fun with some basic Parkour skill and we did some share. The event was sponsor by You C 1000. Here is some photo of the event:Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

UST Orientation CAMP Workshop

於2009年8月12日, 香港飛躍道協會到了香港科技大學, 為一群剛新入校的學生於迎新營中進行了一個簡單的Parkour 工作坊, 當日工作坊人數十分多, 為數有百多人,  工作坊內容主要為簡單的Parkour 基本技巧體驗和一些分享, 當日活動由 You C 1000贊助。以下是一試當日的活動照片:On 12th, August,2008, HKPA  held a Parkour workshop at The Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology. This is a part of the orientation camp. There are more than 100 peoples, during the workshop, student can have fun with some basic Parkour skill and we did some share. The event was sponsor by You C 1000. Here is some photo of the event:Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

2009年7月25日, 飛躍道協會與循道循道衛理楊震社會服務處 油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 合作舉行了一個兒童Parkour的體驗日, 他們的年齡由7-13歲。

活動進行非常順利, 小朋友們玩的非常開心, 活動進行順利而安全, 小朋友都樂而忘返, 在家長同意的情況下我們將當日的影片剪報成了一段影片, 讓大家回味當日的活動, 也讓大家看看當日的活動情況。

另外, 本會攝影師Matthew 和Govad 也拍攝了一些漂亮的照片,  小朋友, 快來和你們的爸爸媽媽一起看看你們漂亮的相片!後記: 當日飛躍道的職員和小朋友打成一片, 大家都玩得十分開心, 也鼠開心能把Parkour的態度和認知帶給小朋友, 在活動其間, 飛躍道的大細路們都露出本性, 和小朋友們打成一片。In 25, July, 2009, Hong Kong Parkour Association and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development collaboratively held a "Parkour expe...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

2009年7月25日, 飛躍道協會與循道循道衛理楊震社會服務處 油尖旺青少年綜合發展中心 合作舉行了一個兒童Parkour的體驗日, 他們的年齡由7-13歲。

活動進行非常順利, 小朋友們玩的非常開心, 活動進行順利而安全, 小朋友都樂而忘返, 在家長同意的情況下我們將當日的影片剪報成了一段影片, 讓大家回味當日的活動, 也讓大家看看當日的活動情況。

另外, 本會攝影師Matthew 和Govad 也拍攝了一些漂亮的照片,  小朋友, 快來和你們的爸爸媽媽一起看看你們漂亮的相片!後記: 當日飛躍道的職員和小朋友打成一片, 大家都玩得十分開心, 也鼠開心能把Parkour的態度和認知帶給小朋友, 在活動其間, 飛躍道的大細路們都露出本性, 和小朋友們打成一片。In 25, July, 2009, Hong Kong Parkour Association and Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service, Yau Tsim Mong Integrated Centre for Youth Development collaboratively held a "Parkour expe...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong
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August 20, 2007
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