News!!! Our new web site was start using!!! Welcome to visit our Site: www.Parkour.hk
Urban Parkour Academy JUNE 2010
飛躍道的"Urban Parkour Academy", 為大家提供一個訓練/練習Parkour 的途徑。
現在招收6月份的新學員,名額十名,有關的詳情, 請參閱付件。 Urban Parkour Academy of the HKPA provides a way for everyone to practice in parkour.
We are now recruiting 10 students for June. Please read attachments for...Read more
暑期訓練班 / Summer class
暑假將近,本會為中學生及青年特意開設暑期訓練班,還青年能有一個正確之途徑去接觸Parkour 運動。訓練班將於6月9日開始,名額有限,詳情請下載章程細閱。
The HKPA would hold summer training course starting June 9, aiming to provide basic training to teenagers. For more details, please download the information form the link.
詳情 / Inform...Read more
This is the promo project for our sponsor G-TOX street wear.
Video Film and edit by Govad.Sponsor byG-TOX.
這是為我們贊助商 G-TOX 所拍攝的一條宣傳影片, 由鋒拍攝和剪接。由G-TOX贊助。
This the HKPA showreel, don't forget to post it on your facebook! Enjoy!! 這是飛躍道的介紹影片,不要忘記把他傳給朋友和放上Facebook!! 慢慢欣賞吧!!!
Urban Parkour Academy
飛躍道將於2010年5月開始舉行"Urban Parkour Academy", 為大家提供一個訓練/練習Parkour 的途徑。
有關的詳情, 請參閱付件。The HKPA would hold 'Urban Parkour Academy' from May 2010 to give you an opportunity in training.
It would start 11th May, 2010. Please refer t...Read more
HKPA Introductory Workshop 18 April 2010
飛躍道 Parkour 認知工作坊 2010年4月18日
The HKPA will hold the up coming Parkour Introductory Workshop on 18 April 2010 to promote the development of parkour, and to share the correct understanding and healthy att...Read more