我們剛把一條影片上傳到我們的Youtube 頻道上,這是一條早前由我們的創會成員-鋒所制作的Parkour Project. 名為"Parkour Touch"
鋒希望由一個非動作主導的角度去用相片表達出Parkour 真實的一面,不是漂亮的動作,不是遙不可及的距離,而是互相支持、是汗水和努力編織的成果。 所以,所有的照片都沒有進行後期的制作,而將最真實的色彩,最真實的一面向觀眾展現出來。
當中,還有好些世界各地的Parkour練習和我們的合照,就像我們說的:「one world, one love one parkour.」
照片: http://www.fotop.net/Govad/Parkour_TouchWe just uploaded a video on our youtube channel, this is a Photo Project by Govad, a fanction member of HKPA, call &qu...Read more
2月份練習時間表/ The Jan Urban Parkour Training (UPT) schedule Date:Coach:Focus:Location:Gathering point:2VictorConditioningTsing YiTsing YiMTR station Hang Seng Bank9DanielTechniquesChoi HungChoi Hung MTR station Hang Seng Banke16GovadConditioningKowloon ParkKowloon Park swimming pool entrance23ndTimTechniquesMei FooMei Foo Station exit D Weekly sessions only accept those who has finished HKPA introductory workshop. We will train in all weather conditions! To be and to last! Read more
飛躍道早前接受了新城電台知訊台的訪問,訪問將於 2010年1月31日 (星期日) 晚上8時正 於新城電台知訊台 (FM 99.7) 的 「越學越強」節目內有半小時的訪問。
對Parkour有興趣的朋友敬請留意。HKPA interview on Air
HKPA did a interview for the Metro Radio, the interview will on-air by jan 31 (sunday) / 8-8:30pm / FM 997 (Metro Info). In the program
To all interested in Parkour, please attention on this.http://www.metroradio.com.hk/997/
The session on 26-1-2010 will cahnge to Wong Tai Sin, we will meet at 19:00, at the simming Wong Tai Sin MTR sation. For who will buy the hoodie, please ready 160 HKD. HKPA.公告.
於1月26日晚上的練習已經改為於黃大仙進行, 我們會於晚上7時正於黃中仙地鐵站恆生銀行集合。如要購買飛躍道衛衣者請預備160元現金(港元)。
飛躍道 示.
HKPA would revert training to once a week. Please visit our website for updates.
飛躍道 示.
*Date:Coach:Focus:Location:Gathering point:5stGovadTechniquesChoi HungChoi HungMTR station Hang Seng Bank12thDaniel...Read more
HKPA would revert training to once a week. Please visit our website for updates.
飛躍道 示.
Gathering point:
Choi Hung
Choi HungMTR station Hang ...Read more
The session on 31-12-2009 now have been cahnged to Kowloon Park, we will meet at 19:00, at the simming pool entry of Kowloon Park. After the seesion we will go count down to 2010 together. HKPA.公告.
於12月31日晚上的練習已經改為於九龍公園進行, 我們會於晚上7時正於九龍公園游泳池入口集合。練習完畢後我們會一起去進行2010的倒數活動。
飛躍道 示....Read more
新一期的飛躍道 Parkour 認知工作坊已完成
HKPA Introductory Workshop 20 December 2009 was done.
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