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Don't "Depend" on Google Translator (lost in translation: English to Chinese and the Reverse)

Dr. Chiu 趙汝威博士:Social Media Monetization (English Article):

Four (4) Most Important Things to Know for Small-Medium Sized Business Owners

  1. Give good/free advice & generate a focused network

  2. Unify and build a focused & supportive community that has a need for your services.

  3. Utilize effective traffic interfacing tools for your blog

  4. Communicate with Experts to Understand Changes/Trends

Give good/free advice ...

More often than not, first we take rather first we give. The greater the hardship, the more we are inclined to be like animals. Constantly we are reminded to pay those bills and we've soon forgotten that our business is even less inviting. If we have a restaurant, the portions or the quality may even suffer. 

Employees understand when the supervisor cracks the sell, sell, sell whip. And you just want to respond, "hey boss, the product that sold the best -we're out of" As the boss, you scream, "well make the ones the people don't want ... sell too!!" Effective approaches require you to do the opposite of this. You reap what you sow. Therefore, spend time sowing seeds of relationships, give, provide service, useful information and this will yield a plentiful harvest because customers and your employees prefer this attribute.

Unify and build a focused & supportive community ...

Not everyone will listen to you (friends and family included). Internet blogging is a wonderful way to unify those who like to hear what you have to say. It is necessary to bring these people together and develop a channel. Your topics and discussions are critical. You may serve many roles as a living breathing human being but when go to work you have specific tasks and roles. The very same thing applies to blogging. If you're billing as a certain service provider -blog in your category and make strong connections. Put time into your blogging and ensure that the content is genuine. Customers can really see this in your presentations.

If you want the article to make total non-sense ... go for it and use Google Translatorand make it Chinese. Programmers have not figured out how to replace human translators.

四( 4 )最重要的事情知道的中小型企業主

1 。提供良好的/免費諮詢及產生集中網絡

2 。統一並建立一個重點和支持社會的需要為您服務。

3 。利用有效的交通連接工具為您的博客

4 。溝通與專家理解的變化/趨勢



僱員了解裂縫時的銷售主管,銷售,出售鞭子。和您只想回應, “嗨,老闆,產品的銷量最好的,我們'重新出”作為老闆,你尖叫, “好讓那些人不希望...銷售也! ”有效的方法需要你做相反的。您獲得您母豬。因此,花時間播種的關係,使提供的服務,有用的信息,這將產生一個豐富的收穫,因為客戶和您的員工更喜歡這個屬性。


不是每個人都將聽你的(包括家人和朋友) 。互聯網博客是一種非常棒的方式,以統一這些誰喜歡聽你的話。這是必要的,使這些人在一起,建立一個渠道。您的主題和討論的關鍵。您可能有許多角色作為一個充滿生機的人,但去上班時,你有具體的任務和作用。同樣的事情非常適用於博客。如果您的帳單作為某些服務提供商,在您的博客進行分類和緊密的聯繫。提出的時間到您的博客,並確保內容是真實的。用戶可以看到在您的介紹。


For those of you cannot read Chinese, we then reversed the translated Chinese back into English (aka Reverse English):


Four (4) The most important thing to know the small and medium-sized business owners

  1. Provide a good / free consultation and have a focus on network

  2. And the establishment of a unified focus and support the needs of the community to serve you.

  3. The use of effective tools for transport links for your blog

  4. Communication with experts to understand the changes / trends

Provide a good / free consultation ...

More often is not the first time, the first time we have, and we give. More difficult, the more we tend to like animals. Constantly remind us to pay for these bills, and we quickly forget that we also invited the business. If we have a restaurant, in part or quality, and may even be affected.

Understanding of the cracks at the time of the employee in charge of sales, marketing and sale of the whip. And you just want to respond, "Hey, boss, best-selling products, we 're out" as a boss, you scream, "so that those who do not want to ... sales!" You need effective ways to do the opposite. You get you sow. Therefore, the relationship between time spent planting, so that the services provided useful information, which will produce a rich harvest, as customers and your employees more properties like this.

And the establishment of a unified focus and support the community ...

Not everyone will listen to you (including family and friends). Internet blog is a great way to unify those who like to listen to you. This is necessary so that these people together, to establish a channel. Your key themes and discussions. You may have many roles as a person full of vitality, but go to work, you have a specific mandate and role. The same thing is applicable to blog. If you are billing as some service providers in your blog to classify and close contact. The timing to your blog, and to ensure that the content is real. The user can see in your presentation.


over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
The trick to using these automated translators is to write extremely simple sentences--no compound sentences, no subordinate and dependent clauses, no coordinating conjunctions. In other words, write what almost amounts to baby English. I think the translator can probably communicate the simplest of ideas. But anything more...it is hopeless. The same happens when translating from Chinese into English: there end up being these "orphaned" verbs that are put at the end of the sentence that don't seem to relate to anything. Any time I see those, I know I'm in trouble. It is still 5-10 years before I'll be reading and writing Chinese with any fluency so, in the meantime, I have to rely on these translators. There isn't really anything else I can do. Unlike languages written in roman script, there is no guessing about the pronunciation and hence meaning of a word based on how it is spelled. With Chinese, it really is unknowable. You either know how to read and write, or you don't. I think it is this quality of Chinese that makes people believe that it is too difficult to learn and that the attempt should not even be made. The characters look complicated (and some of them are) and there are sooooo many of them. Looking at a Chinese dictionary increased the sense of the impossibility of the task, even the way things are arranged makes no sense to the uninitiated eye. Most people are never going to take the time to learn the internal logic of how written Chinese works, let alone memorize thousands and thousands of characters. With China moving onto the world stage, I wonder if everyone in China will just learn English to be able to communicate with the outside world. Somehow, I find it hard to believe that everyone in the world will be learning Chinese (and Simplified Chinese at that, since that is all they teach in Mainland China). You still have to learn Chinese twice over to be able to read and write since the Mainland uses exclusively Simplified versus Hong Kong and Taiwan that still use Traditional characters. As it stands now, the situation really really is unworkable for 98% of foreigners. I think it is not the language per se, but the writing system that is going to keep Chinese from becoming a world language in terms of how many non-native speakers learn it.
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I think a better title would be 'don't depend on google translator', not 'don't use google translator'. Its still quite useful, even if its not perfect.
over 15 years ago


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