Official Artist
Eric Kwok
Composer , Music Producer
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Repost @graceip with @repostapp.

about 10 years ago 7 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Well well well|好好好|好好好

After 3 years, i finally quit the online game. 


Well, doesn't mean i'll be writing more blogs!

Just means i'll be writing more songs.  Alot more songs in fact.  Going back to what i love to do most.

And yes, Jerald and i are working on our new Swing album, should be coming out in June.

This new album is very different from our previous ones, in a way, it's for the mass, all i can say is, it's Pop, Love, and Haunting.

As for myself, i have decided since Swing...Read more

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

MV Part III|MV第三部分|MV第三部分

Dedicated to people who are:

jealous of someone,

guilty of themselves,

blaming others or god or fate for everything,

really harsh on themselves or others,

you people, really need to,

Just let it go!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bf5XNC3ZLpc






苛求自己...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

MV Part II|MV第二部分|MV第二部分

Finally i can put this up, can't wait to put Part III and the NGs takes up. 

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U1UPWp5Glo&feature=player_embedded



Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Swing 2009 New Album 武當|Swing 2009新專輯武當|Swing 2009新专辑武当

Yes, it's finally done. 

This new Swing album "武當" will be released on Sept, 9th, 2009.  9/9/09

I must say, of all the albums i have worked on, this is the most magical one.

Everything just falls into places, as if the hand of god is helping.

Each song is unique on its own,

yet, they relate to one anot...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  22 comments  0 shares

New MV finally!|最新MV登場!|最新MV登场!

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hF1ok7UftY

This is the crazy mv i directed for our 1st Swing comeback album.  There will be 3 episodes.

All mvs had nothing to do with the songs. 

The point is, most of the mvs in the cantopop don't have anything to do with the songs anyways, we just make that point further.

As long as Jearld and I had fun, that's all it counts.

Thank you for all the hardwork comiing ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  29 comments  0 shares

Blog: Saturday, Jul 4|日志一则:7月4日,周六|日志一则:7月4日,周六

You know right before you die, your life flashes before you?

Well, yesterday will be one of those memories that flashes before my eyes before i die.

Got up 5am, picked up everyone at 7am, arrived at our MV shooting ground in the new territory at 8am, started the make up and prep till 9am, [if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares

MTV upcoming|MTV即將呈現|MTV即将呈现

Well, seeing so many supportive comments and the support from our swing fans, i can't help myself but write another blog, lol!

Well, it's gonna be crazy, i can tell you that much.

I'm still preparing the script, layout, fight sequence of our Swing upcoming MV. 

It's set in ancient chinese kung fu era.

You're gonna see me and jerald in kung fu action.

It's gonna be shot next week, gonna have to pray to the weather god.  "please don't rain!"

Gonn...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares

Swing 2009|Swing 2009|Swing 2009

After 7 years, our grp Swing reunited and has released our 1st single onto the radio today.

It's a big deal cuz no one thought we'll be coming back.  At least i didn't think so.  LOL

For the past 3 months, Jerald and I have been working on our new album.

All i can say is, this time, we set the bar very high for ourselves.

Unlike before, where we'll each compose a song individually in our Swing albums, this time, for the first time, we're composing every song together. 

...Read more
over 15 years ago 0 likes  27 comments  0 shares

The Cash Award - Best Composition/Lyrics|Cash金帆音樂獎—最佳旋律及最佳作詞|Cash金帆音乐奖—最佳旋律及最佳作词

It's one of those rare song. 

When you first finish writing it, you know it's going to be a hit.

Then you sigh.

You sigh cuz you know it takes a lot of luck to be a hit, good singer, good lyrics, good timing, and they decide to plug that song.

Then one day, you started to hear from friends and people in the music business messaging you or telling you this song rocks. 

Then more and more people tell you the same thing.

You...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  33 comments  0 shares


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August 4, 2008