作曲家, 音乐监製
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Blog: Saturday, Jul 4|日志一则:7月4日,周六|日志一则:7月4日,周六

You know right before you die, your life flashes before you?

Well, yesterday will be one of those memories that flashes before my eyes before i die.

Got up 5am, picked up everyone at 7am, arrived at our MV shooting ground in the new territory at 8am, started the make up and prep till 9am, [if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif]劉丹 &[if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif]黃日華  came at 9am, explosive/stunt man team ready, shooting started at 10am and went all the way thru 10pm. 

The weather was perfect.  Clouds kept the sun from oveheating us, but allowing the sun to shine thru every now and then.  Wind was breezing most of the time.

The shooting was smooth and most important of all, everyone had fun. 

Every minute i was working.  If i wasn't directing, i was acting.  Always watching the time, making sure we can complete all the shoots in time.

It's been awhile since i have worked this hard.  22hr working non stop.  I have never felt so productive, which is why i'm writing this blog.

For the first time in the past 2 years, i have never felt how much time i have wasted on Warcraft, the online game, until now. 

1 hr can be easily lost in the game, but yesterday, within 1 hr, i got so much done it was unbelievable. 

I just can't look at myself the same way again.  From now on, i'll be making use of my time, every minute of it.

Btw, thanks helen, karen, grace, and all the crew that were invovled.  Yesterday was truly a very very tough day, but we pulled thru.

It was truly amazing.  It will never be forgotten. 

Thank you 劉丹 &[if gte mso 9]> Normal/w:View 0/w:Zoom /w:Compatibility MicrosoftInternetExplorer4/w:BrowserLevel /w:WordDocument <![endif][if gte mso 10]> <![endif]黃日華 for coming, you have made  our dreams came true. 

Our MV should be releasing soon, within a month.  Swing album should be releasing late August. 

I'm pretty sure the "making of" will be fun to watch. 



你知道临死前,一生会在眼前闪现吗?昨天将会成为我离去之前眼前闪现的记忆之一。5点起床,7点集合起所有人,8点到达我们位于新界的拍摄场地。开始化妆和准备工作,直到九点,刘丹和黄日华到来,爆破特技人员准备就绪,10点开始拍摄,一直持续到晚上10点。天公作美。云层使得我们免于暴晒,不时也会有阳光透过缝隙洒下来,微风习习。拍摄非常顺利,最重要的是大家都很开心。每时每刻我都在工作,不是在指导,就是在表演。一直紧盯着时间,以确保我们能按时完成拍摄。很长时间我没有试过这样努力工作了。不间断的22小时,我从未感到自己这么“多产”,这也正是我写这篇日志的原因。直至此刻,我才第一次意识到过去两年间在魔兽上荒废了多少时间。游戏时一小时转瞬即逝,但是昨天,一个小时我却做了这么多事情,难以置信。我实在无法再这样纵容自己。从现在开始,我将充分利用起每一秒。顺便感谢helen,karen,grace和所有的工作人员。昨天是非常非常艰苦的一天,但我们挺过来了。太棒了。我永远不会忘记。多谢刘丹&黄日华的到来,让我们梦想成真。MV一个月之内就会发行。Swing的专辑应该会在8月底发行。我确信制作过程观赏起来一定是妙趣横生。欢呼!| 你知道临死前,一生会在眼前闪现吗?昨天将会成为我离去之前眼前闪现的记忆之一。5点起床,7点集合起所有人,8点到达我们位于新界的拍摄场地。开始化妆和准备工作,直到九点,刘丹和黄日华到来,爆破特技人员准备就绪,10点开始拍摄,一直持续到晚上10点。天公作美。云层使得我们免于暴晒,不时也会有阳光透过缝隙洒下来,微风习习。拍摄非常顺利,最重要的是大家都很开心。每时每刻我都在工作,不是在指导,就是在表演。一直紧盯着时间,以确保我们能按时完成拍摄。很长时间我没有试过这样努力工作了。不间断的22小时,我从未感到自己这么“多产”,这也正是我写这篇日志的原因。直至此刻,我才第一次意识到过去两年间在魔兽上荒废了多少时间。游戏时一小时转瞬即逝,但是昨天,一个小时我却做了这么多事情,难以置信。我实在无法再这样纵容自己。从现在开始,我将充分利用起每一秒。顺便感谢helen,karen,grace和所有的工作人员。昨天是非常非常艰苦的一天,但我们挺过来了。太棒了。我永远不会忘记。多谢刘丹&黄日华的到来,让我们梦想成真。MV一个月之内就会发行。Swing的专辑应该会在8月底发行。我确信制作过程观赏起来一定是妙趣横生。欢呼!

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  19 评论s  0 shares
Photo 337367
That was definitely one memorial day that would totally change my LIFE!!! Becoz after July 3rd, 2009, I really have to make up my mind that i should be blind or not for the rest of my life!!!!!!! ** I'm pretty sure the making off will be fun to watch too!! heheee...
接近 15 年 ago


Know yourself, and most of your problems can be solved.


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
August 4, 2008