Dan Burns-Findlay
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My good friend & studio collaborator Guy a.k.a Hyper visited us last week. Being the unreliable bastard that I am, I fell asleep after a long Saturday night out - my phone ring on silent - only to leave Guy sitting on the steps outside my apartment Sunday morning for 2 hours, unable to get in. In an attempt to discover an alternative way of contacting me he located the phone number of Justin, a old mutual friend we share here in town: End result being that Guy was able to reach Justin, get my landline and get me awake. A week goes by, we manage to write one club track, throw a big ass party, watch a stack of new DVDs and generally talk about the state of the indie music industry back in the UK. Time comes for him to fly on for more gigs in China so off he goes Friday morning to the airport.Later that evening he calls me up on iChat video conference: Somewhere along the way he lost his cell. Maybe in the cafe during breakfast, maybe in the taxi, maybe at the Airport Express. No idea. Literally 10 minutes into our conversation I get a text message from Justin... "has Guy lost his mobile?" Very much so! A random Frenchmen named Frédéric picked up the mobile somewhere, scrolled thru the recently dialled numbers saw that it was a UK telephone but recognised Justin's number. Fred went about his day and on the way home from work called up Justin and arranged to pass the phone along.If I hadn't have overslept & locked Guy out of the flat on Sunday morning, he definitely would've lost his phone.In other news I learnt that the film 28 Days Later is brilliant and that 28 Weeks Later is how you fuck-up a good concept by smearing money all over a story. I also learnt that 28 Days... was shot on Canon XL1 Mini DV cameras (!!!) although admittidly it cost just over US$10 million from start to finish. I wonder how much of that was spent on promotion? Although a fair bit was spent on film transfer and grading. But MiniDV!!! Not HD, not even HDV but MiniDV. I have no more excuses. Finally, if you like hip-hop but do not yet own a copy of El-P I'll Sleep When You're Dead then, well I guess you know nothing about hip-hop :) Enjoy!

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
this blog definitely means more than an apology =) take care n si u around !! rozy
接近 17 年 ago
Danielchan d3 danielchan
The concept of 28 Days is definitely superior... but after seeing 28 weeks, I am amazed by the camera work and how viceral it looks. To be honest I am glad that Danny Boyle let someone else direct it...
16 年多 ago


Arrive not Dead.


July 6, 2007