Dawen Wang
作曲家, 音乐监製, 歌手
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1 year in Taipei! 在台北住了一年!

 photo 978B5B50_zps7e398008.jpg台灣,我來住了已經一年。我超開興。台北,你真的對我很好,我非常感動。我真的愛死這個地方。我想特別謝謝我的家人,我的阿姨,我的教會,我的音樂朋友,喜歡音樂。你們太歡迎我了。

I hit my 1 year mark in Taipei. Time flies by and not at all, at the same time. I have to reflect and be thankful for all the amazing friends I’ve made so far. Taiwan, the people, the friends, the city, treat you like family and for that I feel so blessed. ...Read more

大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Random thoughts at 6:57am


So it’s been a while since I’ve had insomnia, this might be my first time this year.

Here are some random thoughts, before I become completely delirious.

  1. 1 year ago, I left Los Angeles for Hong Kong, where I spent five days before moving to Taipei, Taiwan. Don’t know if thinking about this is what’s keeping me up, probably not.

  2. Amanda Palmer is great. Truly, she embodies the spirit and creativity of good music in the 21st Century. Whenever I get sad and cynical about music, I...Read more

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Taiwan jam session #1 – 我跟梁文音, Echo, 陳傑瑞玩音樂!

免費下載mp3:  http://on.fb.me/VtSw5B


Jeric FB:  http://www.fb.com/jericbook

Echo FB:  http://www.fb.com/echolee.fans

梁文音 FB:  http://www.fb.com/liangwenyin


我的好朋...Read more

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Media & The Internet

“The irony of the Information Age is that it has given respectability to uninformed opinion.”

Veteran reporter John Lawton, 68, speaking to the American Association of Broadcast Journalists in 1995

(taken from the epigraph of Michael Crichton’s Airframe)

With all the reporting on the Boston Marathon bombing, I wanted to revisit this quote. I find many people, myself included, jumped to conclusions after scanning the hysteria and se...Read more

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Boston 波士頓

Boston, stay strong. The whole world is with you.


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Glasses 眼鏡

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Do these glasses make me look like old school legend Buddy Holly? What do you think?!

我覺得這髮型加眼鏡會讓我想到這位五十年代的歌手:Buddy Holly (1936-1959)


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我跟馬叔叔的音樂合作 One Direction’s Kiss You

最近我在台灣認識好多新朋友。馬叔叔在YouTube常常教吉它和烏克麗麗。他超搞笑。來聽我們一起翻唱 “Kiss You” by One Direction. 別忘記免費下載mp3: http://on.fb.me/VtSw5B

還有趕快支持馬叔叔: FB: www.fb.com/ma.shushu

他的烏克麗麗教材DVD3天會發行了! http://www.shushuma.com/

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Bruno Mars in Chinese!

我最近用中文翻唱了Bruno Mars’ “When I Was Your Man” (「火星人」布魯諾 -舊情人)。我要特別感謝Eileen和Ashley修改我的中文翻譯。還要特別謝謝我哥哥介紹這首給我聽。Bruno Mars 真的很會寫悲傷的歌,讓我好感動。希望你們也喜歡我翻唱的版。


This song was so hard to translate. I couldn’t have done it without the help of Eileen and Ashley. (Thanks, guys). Also shoutout to my brother George for playing me the original. Bruno Mars is an amazing singer, my God!

Currently working on writing my Mandarin album but I haven’t forgotten about my YouTube channel. I’m really going to m...Read more

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Jason Yang this Thursday on Universal Beats (ICRT)

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Guess who’s in town? It’s my friend and fellow musician,  YouTube sensation Jason Yang! Jason is an amazing violinist and we’ve known each other since my time living in Los Angeles. Jason has recently finished up  Read more

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Classical & Jazz on Sundays on ICRT radio

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前天好高興有這麼多人在聽我在ICRT電台主持“ Universal Beats“節目。我每星期四下午11點會在節目時間在 我臉書跟網友聊天。如過你們沒時間聽別膽心,每星期六下午12點至1點會重播。這是我第一次當DJ所以我知道我還可以進步。我一定會繼續努力。

還有我星期天有另外一個節目介紹最新的古典和爵士錄音。我覺得很有趣...Read more

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Debut album \\\"American Me\\\" out now on iTunes and Amazon.com!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
September 7, 2008