Dawen Wang
作曲家, 音乐监製, 歌手
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「練習愛情」my duet ‘Let’s It Work It Out’ with Kimberley 陳芳語!

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Happy Year of the Horse 祝你們萬馬奔騰!





Hey folks, my bad. It’s been over a month since my last post. All I can say is that the promotion period has been nuts and I’ve been nonstop for over four weeks straight. S...Read more

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iTunes免費下載「慢半拍」Free iTunes Download of ‘Adagio’

 photo SlowHalfBeat_zpsb105fff1.jpg新年快樂!今天要送大家一個很特別的禮物!你們在iTunes上可以免費下載我的歌「慢半拍」。這是我跟好友  RPG 的合作。我們每次聊天之後他就把我們講的話變成歌詞。「慢半拍」就是我來到台灣的故事。我相信慢半拍的人不只是我。

FREE DOWNLOAD of my single “Adagio” on iTunes today!!! My New Years’ gift to everyone!! (Check your country’s iTunes for Dawen Wang -”Ad...Read more

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Acid Rain MV/ 酸雨MV

This is my favorite song on the upcoming album. For me, “ Acid Rain” points back musically to “American Me”, my first album that I released as an independent artist in the US. Special thanks, to director  Arvin Chen for the beautiful and poetic mood-scape and Teacher Bing, for helping me musically recreate that awful day in Greektown. Also, many thanks to my mentor 子鴻老師: without your encouragement I...Read more

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我專輯「你好」現在可以預購!Preorder my album ‘Hello’!

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我首張專輯「你好」兩天後就發行了!!12月24號聖誕夜就可以買了。現在 博客來可以預購。我非常興奮。我花了一年的時間創作每一首,最後整專輯的十首歌都是我自己寫的。歌詞也是我跟超厲害的葛大為一起合作的。這是我今年送給大家的聖誕禮物!!

My debut Mandarin album “Hello” comes out in 2 days!!! Christmas Eve, folks!! That’s right...Read more

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十件美麗的事情 10 Beautiful Things

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Universal Music released these fun factoids about me a week ago. It reads more like “10 Interesting Facts About Dawen”. I’ve translated it for my English readers below.

關於王大文, 十件美麗的事情:

  1. 王大文是製作人阿弟仔在逛youtube時發現的,影片中他頂著大光頭演唱Bruno Mars “Just The Way You Are”。Dawen was discovered on YouTube by Taiwanese music producer Adia, when he...Read more

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「美麗」官方MV / “Beautiful” Official Music Video

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Happy Thanksgiving 感恩節快樂

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Today is Thanksgiving. Man, there’s so much to be thankful for, don’t even know where to start. Sure, the album is done and ready to be released in a few weeks. I’m touring the island with small intimate shows and loving every moment of performing and meeting new people.

But more importantly, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratit...Read more

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「你好」官方MV/ “Hello” Official Music Video

歡迎大家來看我第一部MV 「你好」! 我哥哥George(王大元)特別從洛杉磯飛來幫我寫腳本跟拍片。這對我來說非常有意義因為我哥哥最早支持我。三年前他在YouTube幫我拍了一個影片。那影片就是我翻唱的 Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are. 是因為這個影片所以我後來簽約到環球唱片公司。


差一點忘記特別感謝一些人:導演阿寬跟我朋友RPG. 還想謝謝這一群人,美國的LEP, KUMA兄弟,跟所有幫忙的藝術人。

The music video for my debut single, “ Read more

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I’m on Google+ 我現在有Google+

歡迎網友支持+1我的Google+:  http://google.com/+Dawen王大文

將來會投過google+ 用音樂表演 跟大家有live hangouts

I’m on GooglePlus! Gonna have live performances on here in the weeks to come on Google’s Live Hangouts! More about that soon! Add me!

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Debut album \\\&quot;American Me\\\&quot; out now on iTunes and Amazon.com!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
September 7, 2008