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We really need to change our attitude about the environment.|我們確實需要改變對待環境的態度 |我们确实需要改变对待环境的态度

Today we had our first big press conference for The Last Supper. It was nice to see the excitement surrounding the film. With all of our wonderful actors and our fearless leader director Lu Chuan, I think it will be something very unique and special. But this is not what I want to talk about today...

After the press conference I was drinking a bottle of ice tea. When I was finished I was still holding the empty bottle to properly dispose of later. A crew member saw me and I suppose he was trying to be helpful and took it for me. I guess he thought I shouldn't be holding garbage. But then he just threw it in the street. I was shocked. I picked it back up and took it back my hotel to dispose of later. This made me realize that most average everyday people in China don't care about littering or the environment.

Behind my hotel there is a beautiful mountain where I go for hikes when I have free time. I am shocked about how much garbage is strewn around the path. I pick up some things but there is only so much I can do. It's obvious people are not using their heads when they do this. To me it's not just about saving the planet as much as respecting our planet and the environment we live in. Would you dump garbage on the floor of your friend's house? I don't think so, so why would you do it to Mother nature's house? It's hard I know because most of you in China have grown up seeing this everyday, everyone does it but that doesn't mean it's ok. If you want to see blue skies and stop getting sick all the time, you should think more about the waste you create and deal with it responsibly.

America used to be the same way as a developing industrialized nation in the early 20's and 30's but by the 70's and 80's most of the country figured out that if they continued in this manner they would eventually kill themselves. This is why I grew up with this environmental education and now I think we need to spread this education to the rest of the world including China. Let's learn from America's old mistakes. Government can only do so much. Government cannot solve this problem alone, the change has to start with you, so please do your part, don't litter and recycle whenever possible! 










Today we had our first big press conference for The Last Supper. It was nice to see the excitement surrounding the film. With all of our wonderful actors and our fearless leader director Lu Chuan, I think it will be something very unique and special. But this is not what I want to talk about today...

After the press conference I was drinking a bottle of ice tea. When I was finished I was still holding the empty bottle to properly dispose of later. A crew member saw me and I suppose he was trying to be helpful and took it for me. I guess he thought I shouldn't be holding garbage. But then he just threw it in the street. I was shocked. I picked it back up and took it back my hotel to dispose of later. This made me realize that most average everyday people in China don't care about littering or the environment.

Behind my hotel there is a beautiful mountain where I go for hikes when I have free time. I am shocked about how much garbage is strewn around the path. I pick up some things but there is only so much I can do. It's obvious people are not using their heads when they do this. To me it's not just about saving the planet as much as respecting our planet and the environment we live in. Would you dump garbage on the floor of your friend's house? I don't think so, so why would you do it to Mother nature's house? It's hard I know because most of you in China have grown up seeing this everyday, everyone does it but that doesn't mean it's ok. If you want to see blue skies and stop getting sick all the time, you should think more about the waste you create and deal with it responsibly.

America used to be the same way as a developing industrialized nation in the early 20's and 30's but by the 70's and 80's most of the country figured out that if they continued in this manner they would eventually kill themselves. This is why I grew up with this environmental education and now I think we need to spread this education to the rest of the world including China. Let's learn from America's old mistakes. Government can only do so much. Government cannot solve this problem alone, the change has to start with you, so please do your part, don't litter and recycle whenever possible! 

12 年多 前 0 赞s  94 评论s  0 shares
Mysour, be the change you want to see in the world. If you you live your life the "right" way eventually someone will notice and and follow. Start small, dream big. If all of China begins to change I think the other Asian nations will see the way. Japan is very clean despite the fact they over wrap everything but at least no one litters there, eventually Hong Kong people learned from that and they are slowly getting there, now it's time for Big Brother China to make a difference. Cheeky, yes you are right we should carry our own bottles and we don't know where garbage goes but if you can't find a recycling bin then it's better than throwing it in the street or on a hillside. Baby steps!
12 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Back in the late 90s when the Wushu team from Beijing was visiting California I remember we were walking through a parking lot in Huntington Beach together and I saw one of the athletes near me throw a gum rapper on the ground... it shocked me and I was like 'what the hell, I don't go to China and throw garbage on the ground!' he sheepishly went back and picked it up and threw it in a trash can. Now that I spent a lot more time in China his behavior makes more sense and I can understand why 'littering' was something he did without a second thought based on his environment growing up.... But looking back I feel kind of embarrassed for calling that guy out like that... but it has also reminded me that I'd be a hypocrite if I ever littered in China! :-P
12 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005