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USS Ronald Reagan |羅納德•裡根號航空母艦|罗纳德•里根号航空母舰

When I was a kid in San Francisco, I remember my Dad taking me to fleet week. That's when the Navy comes into the San Francisco Bay to show off their wares. Climbing through that giant aircraft carrier with my Dad was the coolest thing in the world. The week culminated with a fantastic show by the Blue Angels as they would fly their F-18 Hornets through the highrises. Today, 30 years later, I was invited for a tour of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan as it is now docked just outside Hong Kong harbor. It's crazy to me that 5000 people live on this ship for months at a time. Even though this aircraft carrier is large, I'd probably go crazy but getting to explore this ship made me feel like a kid again.

Planes are stored below deck and then are wheeled out the side here where the platform rises up very quickly and they are pushed out onto the flight deck. We rode the elevator up and it literally took less than 3 seconds to move the 40 or so feet up top.

Today they had most of the plane up on deck. Pretty impressive sight.

Jet fighters tyically do not have enough runway space to take off by themselves so this track catapults the plane off the deck reaching speeds of 300km/h in 3 seconds. I wouldn't want to be standing on that thing when it goes off.

The butthole of an F-18 Hornet. One fart will turn you into ash.

The sign says Cryogenics plant in operation. I immediately had to ask if they were freezing people and storing for the future but they said it was just the refrigeration system for the ship.


我記得小時候在舊金山,我爸帶我去參加過“艦隊週”慶典。這是美國海軍在舊金山海灣展示其裝備的一個活動。和老爸一起登上那巨型的航空母艦真是世上最酷的事了。一周的活動在“藍天使”飛行隊的精彩表演中達到頂峰:他們駕駛著F-18“大黃蜂”戰鬥機穿越高層建築。 30年後的今天,我應邀參觀近日泊於香港的“裡根”號航空母艦。我覺得真是不可思議,這艘大船一次可容納五千多人在上面連續生活數個月。雖然航母有夠巨大,我恐怕還是會瘋掉。不過得以在這艘大船上探奇讓我感覺又回到了兒時。






我记得小时候在旧金山,我爸带我去参加过“舰队周”庆典。这是美国海军在旧金山海湾展示其装备的一个活动。和老爸一起登上那巨型的航空母舰真是世上最酷的 事了。一周的活动在“蓝天使”飞行队的精彩表演中达到顶峰:他们驾驶着F-18“大黄蜂”战斗机穿越高层建筑。30年后的今天,我应邀参观近日泊于香港的 “里根”号航空母舰。我觉得真是不可思议,这艘大船一次可容纳五千多人在上面连续生活数个月。虽然航母有够巨大,我恐怕还是会疯掉。不过得以在这艘大船上 探奇让我感觉又回到了儿时。






When I was a kid in San Francisco, I remember my Dad taking me to fleet week. That's when the Navy comes into the San Francisco Bay to show off their wares. Climbing through that giant aircraft carrier with my Dad was the coolest thing in the world. The week culminated with a fantastic show by the Blue Angels as they would fly their F-18 Hornets through the highrises. Today, 30 years later, I was invited for a tour of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan as it is now docked just outside Hong Kong harbor. It's crazy to me that 5000 people live on this ship for months at a time. Even though this aircraft carrier is large, I'd probably go crazy but getting to explore this ship made me feel like a kid again.

Planes are stored below deck and then are wheeled out the side here where the platform rises up very quickly and they are pushed out onto the flight deck. We rode the elevator up and it literally took less than 3 seconds to move the 40 or so feet up top.

Today they had most of the plane up on deck. Pretty impressive sight.

Jet fighters tyically do not have enough runway space to take off by themselves so this track catapults the plane off the deck reaching speeds of 300km/h in 3 seconds. I wouldn't want to be standing on that thing when it goes off.

The butthole of an F-18 Hornet. One fart will turn you into ash.

The sign says Cryogenics plant in operation. I immediately had to ask if they were freezing people and storing for the future but they said it was just the refrigeration system for the ship.

12 年多 前 0 赞s  37 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
last time I was back in SF, Eric Yeh and I (and his son) took a tour of the old USS Hornet... which is like 1/4 the size of these modern Super Carriers... they are a lot of fun to visit either way. I visited a few active duty subs back in the day, as you can imagine, those are a LOT more claustrophobic...
12 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
that's where they keep Osama's head!
12 年多 ago
China does have an aircraft carrier now. They just tested it a couple weeks ago. The first one ever for the Cinese Navy.
12 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
The Chinese carrier is actually bought from Ukraine.... they are using it as a training ship to build expertise for their own domestic carriers.
12 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005