Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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The Stage R.I.P.|舞台拆卸|舞台拆卸|さらばザ・ステージ

The Stage officially is being taken down in the next few days. Unfortunately I have been filming in Guangzhou the past couple of months and have not had time to spend with my creation but hopefully some of you were able to make it out to West Kowloon and see it. There are still many bamboo chairs there so if any of you need them feel free to go down there and take them otherwise they will also be destroyed. Don't waste them! If anyone asks just say I asked you to come and have them! | 這個舞臺在接下來的日子裏會正式地拆卸掉。不幸的是過去數月我一直在廣州拍電影,沒什麽時間花在我的創作上。但是希望你們中的一些能去西九龍看看,弄清楚。那兒還有很多的竹制椅子,要是有人想要這些椅子,有時間去那兒的話就可以帶走,否則它們就難逃被銷毀的命運了,所以呢千萬別浪費。如果有人問起來就說是我讓你們來和帶走椅子的!|


ザ・ステージは本当にあと数日で取り壊されてしまうんだ。残念なことに僕は撮影で広州にここ2ヶ月ほどいるし、僕の作品のために戻るわけにも行かなかった んだ。けれど、幸いなことに君たちの何人かに西九龍まで行ってこれを見てもらえたんじゃないかな。まだここには竹の椅子がいくつもあるんだけど、もしも気 に入ってもらえたなら自由に持ち帰っていいんだよ。そうでないとこれも壊されちゃうんだから。頼むから無駄にしないでくれよ!もしも誰かに聞かれたらただ こう答えれば良いんだ、僕にここに来て持って帰ってくれと頼まれたんだ、って!

about 14 years ago 0 likes  59 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
we had a good time down there last weekend at our AnD picnic. the chairs came in handy!
about 14 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
I like how they made those chairs, I just may go and help myself to one. Too bad I didn't know I can take one when I went on Saturday.
about 14 years ago


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July 27, 2005
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