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Daniel Wu
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The Champs|拳王們|拳王们|The Champs

Last night's Thursday Night Fights presented by DEF gym was a tremendous success. There were 7 exciting title fights that did not fail to excite. The first two fights ended with early knock outs and the final 12 round title fight was no let down either. They battled it out to the end with both fighters showing tremendous heart. The highlight of the evening for me was when Bresson and Rex won the fights. In Bresson's fight his Korean opponent gave up in the 6th round giving Bresson the TKO. Rex fought hard through four rounds and won by unanimous decision. I'm so proud of our boys!


昨晚由DEF健身館主辦的“周四夜鏖戰”拳擊賽取得了巨大的成功。七場拳王爭奪賽每一場都激動人心。頭兩場比賽較快地就以一方擊倒獲勝宣告結束;而12回合的拳王決勝賽也沒讓人失望。對決的拳手們都全力以赴地戰鬥到最後,表現出了巨大的勇氣。 對我而言,這個晚上最精彩的部分就是Bresson 和Rex分別贏得了比賽。Bresson在決賽的第六回合技術擊倒他的韓國對手獲勝;Rex 則在苦戰四個回合後,由裁判一致裁定獲勝。 我真為我們的這倆個小夥子感到驕傲!| 昨晚由DEF健身馆主办的“周四夜鏖战”拳击赛取得了巨大的成功。七场拳王争夺赛每一场都激动人心。头两场比赛较快地就以一方击倒获胜宣告结束;而12回合的拳王决胜赛也没让人失望。对决的拳手们都全力以赴地战斗到最后,表现出了巨大的勇气。 对我而言,这个晚上最精彩的部分就是Bresson 和Rex分别赢得了比赛。Bresson在决赛的第六回合技术击倒他的韩国对手获胜;Rex 则在苦战四个回合后,由裁判一致裁定获胜。 我真为我们的这俩个小伙子感到骄傲!

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over 12 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
Admin bear cimg7673
congrats to the DEF team!
over 12 years ago
Only the title fight was 12 rounds. Others differed accordingly. Some were 4 some were 6 and some were 8. Title fights must be 12 rounds and typically the more experience you get the longer you fight.
over 12 years ago


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