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Slam!!! |摔了!|摔了!

It finally happened. After a month of carefree skateboarding around New York, I slammed in the most unattractive way this morning on the way to school. 

I should've seen it coming. Last week I hit a pot hole which sent me flying into an intersection but luckily I was able to catch myself and landed on my feet. Then yesterday, I was trying to squeeze between a car and the sidewalk and was met with the sewer grate which locked my wheels up and sent me flying. I had a full backpack on so the weight of it went over my head and almost caused me to do a forward roll but again I was able to stop myself. This morning, I don't know what the hell happened. I was pushing along half awake trying to make it to my 9 o'clock class and my board just stopped like I hit something. I slammed shoulder first into the ground, sunglasses and hat flew off, backpack stayed on. I looked to see what caused me to fall but there was nothing but smooth pavement and a gum wrapper on the ground. A passing car stopped to see if I was ok but I grabbed my stuff and took off before he could see the look of shock and embarrasment on my face. Got this shiner on my shoulder now and a scrape on my knee and elbow. My neck feels jacked and so does my back. Over 30 skateboarding rules! I was scared at first and contemplated going back to walking but the ride home today was so pleasant, I forgot about the bloody hole on my shoulder.


我早該想到的,上周滑過一個小坑時被甩到十字路口,幸好我及時停住了腳。昨天本想在人行道和一輛車之間穿過,不巧下水道井蓋卡住了輪子,我飛了出去,滿滿的大背包往前栽,差點讓我前滾翻,又被我及時控制住。今天早上,我壓根就不曉得發生了什麼事。我正半醒著為9點 鐘的課趕路,可能絆到什麼東西,突然滑板就停住了。我的肩膀先著地,太陽鏡和帽子飛了出去,背包砸在地上。想看看是什麼絆倒了我,結果地上什麼也沒有,只 有光滑的人行道和一張口香糖的包裝紙在那兒。路過的一輛車在我身邊停下看我是不是有事,但在他看到我的狼狽尷尬樣子之前,我抓起東西就走。現在我的肩膀上 有了這個傷口,肩和肘擦傷了,感覺脖子和背也扭傷了。比30條滑板守則還有用!我一開始挺害怕,想以後還是改走路吧。但今天回家的路上那麼愉快,我又忘了肩膀上流著血的洞了。

| 这事还是发生了。在纽约自由自在用滑板代步一个月之后,今天早上的上学途中还是不引人注意地摔倒了。

我早该想到的,上周滑过一个小坑时被甩到十字路口,幸好我及时停住了脚。昨天本想在人行道和一辆车之间穿过,不巧下水道井盖卡住了轮子,我飞了出去,满满的大背包往前栽,差点让我前滚翻,又被我及时控制住。今天早上,我压根就不晓得发生了什么事。我正半醒着为9点 钟的课赶路,可能绊到什么东西,突然滑板就停住了。我的肩膀先着地,太阳镜和帽子飞了出去,背包砸在地上。想看看是什么绊倒了我,结果地上什么也没有,只 有光滑的人行道和一张口香糖的包装纸在那儿。路过的一辆车在我身边停下看我是不是有事,但在他看到我的狼狈尴尬样子之前,我抓起东西就走。现在我的肩膀上 有了这个伤口,肩和肘擦伤了,感觉脖子和背也扭伤了。比30条滑板守则还有用!我一开始挺害怕,想以后还是改走路吧。但今天回家的路上那么愉快,我又忘了肩膀上流着血的洞了。

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  156 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i can see the headline now "actor Daniel Wu killed in freak skateboard accident" you'll be like Left Eye Lopez! taken from us too early! :-(
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
oh my gosh.....do take care of yourself. Maybe skateboard less now?
接近 17 年 ago
I am not 27 nor am I trying to pretend to be 27. It's a webmaster mistake. Fix that sh*t boys!!!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
hee it takes something wrong to happen before our dear Daniel responds. Cute
接近 17 年 ago
Mylovepuzzle ef mylovepuzzle
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
ya speaking of the RH ring finger, think Peachey mentioned u like to toy with the ring a lot...is that from Lisa S.? Getting married soon?
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005