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Daniel Wu
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New York! New York! |纽约!纽约! | 紐約!紐約!

San Francisco to Hong Kong to New York in less than a week, not fun. Specially the heinously long flight from HK to NY. That sucked except that I ran into Russell Wong and his wife(yes, that Russell Wong) at my stopover in Seoul. He gave me a Chinese taxi service number that I ended up having to use when my arranged ride from JFK didn't show up. Thanks Russell and Flora!

Been here two days and am just settling in. Walking rocks! I love walking around, something I don't do in HK anymore. My legs and back are sore as hell but it's awesome gettting to know the city this way. I haven't even used the subway yet but plan to do that tomorrow. New York is so rad.

Can't figure out how to turn this upright(web guys,help?) so tilt your head to the left. This is one big ass piece of meat. I've seen these at shwarma joints before but this one is big!! I walked past it and had to do a double take.

This is my best-friend from architecture school Dan. He designed that place in the background. It's the Aveda institute. Looks cool on the inside, too bad it wasn't open. We went to some crappy bar to watch the De La Hoya- Mayweather fight. We paid $20 to get in and there were no chairs or air conditioning in the joint. We were stupid and forgot there were undercard fights so we stood for 3 hours watching lousy fights before the main event. When we got out, we were sweatier and more tired than either De La Hoya or Mayweather.

Overall, I am liking New York a lot. It definitly kicks LA's ass.

|不到一周的時間從三藩到香港再到紐約,不好玩。尤其是香港到紐約討厭的長途飛行,除了在漢城轉機時我跑去找王盛德和他妻子(是的,是你說的那個王盛德)。他給了我一張中國出租車服務的號碼,這樣我從 JFK機場沒有找到預先租好的出租車時剛好用上了。謝謝 Russell和 Flora!

呆了 2天,才剛安頓下來。散步真舒服!我喜歡到處走走,在香港從沒散過步。我的腿和背痛得不行,但這是認識這座城市的極好辦法。我沒坐過地鐵,但明天打算去試試。紐約真的太棒了。

不曉得要怎樣把這張照片豎起來(網站的朋友們,幫個忙?)要不你把頭往左邊側著看吧。這是一塊巨大的肉。我曾經看過 shwarma大塊肉,但這個更大!我路過之後又退回來好好看它。

這是我建築學校的最好的朋友 Dan。後面的 Aveda學院就是他設計的。裏面很酷,但很可惜今天沒開。我們去了一個很差勁的酒吧看 De La Hoya對 Mayweather的拳擊賽,付了 20美元進去,裏面連沒有椅子和空調都沒有。我們太傻了,忘了這是拳擊賽,我們站了 3個小時,在正式比賽前看噁心的拳擊。出來時滿身大汗,比 De La Hoya和 Mayweather還要累。


JFK机场没有找到预先租好的出租车时刚好用上了。谢谢 Russell和 Flora!

呆了 2天,才刚安顿下来。散步真舒服!我喜欢到处走走,在香港从没散过步。我的腿和背痛得不行,但这是认识这座城市的极好办法。我没坐过地铁,但明天打算去试试。纽约真的太棒了。

不晓得要怎样把这张照片竖起来(网站的朋友们,帮个忙?)要不你把头往左边侧着看吧。这是一块巨大的肉。我曾经看过 shwarma大块肉,但这个更大!我路过之后又退回来好好看它。

这是我建筑学校的最好的朋友 Dan。后面的 Aveda学院就是他设计的。里面很酷,但很可惜今天没开。我们去了一个很差劲的酒吧看 De La Hoya对 Mayweather的拳击赛,付了 20美元进去,里面连没有椅子和空调都没有。我们太傻了,忘了这是拳击赛,我们站了 3个小时,在正式比赛前看恶心的拳击。出来时满身大汗,比 De La Hoya和 Mayweather还要累。


almost 17 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
glad you're enjoying the big apple! i enjoy it in small amounts, i don't know if i could take living there though. :-P
almost 17 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Hey Dan, I fixed up the images and links a bit. They weren't quite showing up at first post. Next time you see Russell and Flora tell them howdy from me. Russell and I used to train together with He Jing De back in L.A. a few years back. (Not that you'll be seeing him anytime soon .... )
almost 17 years ago


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July 27, 2005
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