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Mother's Day |母親節 | 母亲节

My Mom's visiting after giving a talk up in Rochester. They gave her a new digital camera as a gift so we were trying it out.

We hung out in the park and talked. It was nice spending some down time with Mom.

My Mom took this picture of an evil squirell. After we took the picture, I fed him a piece of garlic and he exploded.

On our way out of the park we saw a music video being shot. Everyone was dressed in 80's Old Skool out fits and looking dope! If you've ever been to Roppongi in Tokyo, you'll see the Africans trying to pass themselves off as African Americans still dress like this.

We then had dinner at Sushi Samba. A Latin/Japanese fusion place that's suspicously a lot like Nobu, in terms of flavors. The Chinese sushi chefs recognized me and flowed us some free stuff. The Chinese connection in effect again! I only ordered the Neo Tokyo roll in the middle. Overall the food was great and the saki the waitress suggested was superb. Could do without the bankers filling the place out, but I guess they bring in the money. It sucks how great food restaurants are always filled with people who are not there to eat but to be part of a scene.|我媽媽在羅切思特講話之後來看我,他們送了一台新的數碼相機給她,我們就拿出來試試。



我們走出公園的路上看到正在拍一支 MV,每個人都穿著 80年代復古的衣服,看起來傻傻的!如果你曾經到過東京的六本木,你會看到很多非洲人穿成這樣假裝自己是美裔非洲人。


我們之後去了森巴壽司吃晚餐,這是一家集合拉丁食物和日本料理的店,調料方面有點象 Nobu。一個做壽司的中國廚師認出了我,免費送了些東西給我們吃。中國人在哪都是親人!我隻點了中間那排 Neo東京卷。所有的食物都很棒,服務生推薦的超級好吃。店裏坐滿了銀行家,我猜就是從他們身上賺錢。討厭的是,為什麼好吃的餐廳裏總是充斥了並非真正為美食,而是想成為餐廳風景線的人呢?|



我们走出公园的路上看到正在拍一支 MV,每个人都穿着 80年代复古的衣服,看起来傻傻的!如果你曾经到过东京的六本木,你会看到很多非洲人穿成这样假装自己是美裔非洲人。

我们之后去了森巴寿司吃晚餐,这是一家集合拉丁食物和日本料理的店,调料方面有点象 Nobu。一个做寿司的中国厨师认出了我,免费送了些东西给我们吃。中国人在哪都是亲人!我只点了中间那排 Neo东京卷。所有的食物都很棒,服务生推荐的超级好吃。店里坐满了银行家,我猜就是从他们身上赚钱。讨厌的是,为什么好吃的餐厅里总是充斥了并非真正为美食,而是想成为餐厅风景线的人呢?

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  49 评论s  0 shares
i wanna have some sushi with my mom too ! but she is far away from me :-(
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
this reminds me. I better call my mom tonight!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 22991
So sweet to spend Mother's Day together...and the sushi looks good. Mi just came back from Crystal Jade Kitchen, ordered the Mother's day set meal for my family. Then went shopping, mum and i bought bags and shoes :) Happy~
接近 17 年 ago
Dsc 2026
digi cam as a gift! o well... i currently need one too!!! my previous canon dc was out of order .. sob sob
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005