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Daniel Wu
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I'm angry! HK most wasteful place on the planet! | 我對此感到氣憤!香港,地球上最浪費的地方| 我对此感到气愤!香港,地球上最浪费的地方

Tuesday's South China Morning Post headlined an article that really got me angry. The people of Hong Kong are the largest waste producers in the world! In the article it says that the average Hong Konger produces 921kg of waste annually which is more than twice as much as Japan(410kg) and Korea(380kg). That is sick and disgusting. We should be ashamed. I used to think Japan produced a lot of waste with their overzealous wrapping and packaging of products. The key difference is that they separate their garbage and everything that is recyclable gets recycled which hugely reduces the amount of waste going into landfills and dumps. So how do we get ourselves out of this mess? Well we can start by doing 2 simple things.

FIRST: take and use only what you need! When you are at the store buying clothes, you do not need them to wrap it in tissue paper and put it in a big plastic or paper bag. The tissue paper is just going to go straight in your garbage can when you get home, so why bother? It wastes not only paper but time and energy as well. When you are at the fast food restaurant, don't take handfuls of ketchup packets, napkins and utensils that you will not use. What happens is you end up leaving it on your tray and then the restaurant has to throw it out! Those people handing out flyers, don't take one unless you really want it. Don't take it because you feel sorry for the person handing them out only to throw it on the floor or in the garbage 20 feet away. These are just a couple things to keep in mind but there are millions of other ways to be less wasteful too. Come up with some of your own.

SECOND: RECYLE. Most of the civilized world has been recycling for over 20 years and although we do have systems in place, not enough people here do it. The fact is that we MUST recycle as much as we can. Most citizens are under the assumption that the government trash collectors separate our garbage for us but there is only so much those little old ladies at the trash collection centers can do. Most likely they only go for the stuff that is worth money to them leaving most of the perfectly good recyclables going back into the trash. People complain about how it is a pain to do and to have to think about. Well I think it's better than having to think about living next to a garbage landfill. As from the recent debate about the Clearwater Bay landfill, it's obvious we don't have anyplace to put our garbage now. So if we don't have space now what about ten years form now? We must all get in the habit of separating your garbage from the recyclables. This will greatly reduce our trash output. I have recycling bins in my house and in my office. When they get full we carry them to the gov't recycle bin and deposit them in there. It's simple and easy so just do it.

Like I said there are many ways we can help this problem but the key thing is that it has to start with our own mentality shift. We have to think about how to make things better if we want to make things better and the seemingly little things that you as an individual can do will help a lot. I started a blog on environmental tips sometime last year but never followed up. I am now inspired to do make more and I would also like you to send your tips to me as well so we can all share ideas on how to save our environment.

So start sending me your ideas now!!!!






星期二南华早报撰写的一篇文章,读来让我生气至极。文章中谈到香港人是世界上制造废物最多的人群,平均每一个香港人一年就会制造921公斤的废物,是日本(410kg)和韩国(380kg)的 两倍多,这种事真的让人心生不悦,我们应该感到羞耻。我曾经一度认为日本人由于对产品包装业的痴迷,从而产生了很多废物。但是现在看来,最大的不同点就是 人家会对垃圾进行分类,让所有东西都有可能变成可回收物,从而减少到往垃圾场的废物。我们怎样做才能摆脱这种麻烦呢?接下来的这两件小事就可以达到目标。

一:只用所需之物。在商店买衣服的时候,大家其实没有必要把衣服包起来再装进塑料袋或是 纸袋。因为回了家,包装纸还是要进垃圾箱的,所以为什么要把事情弄得这么麻烦呢?浪费的不仅仅是纸,还有我们的时间和精力。大家要是在快餐店吃饭的时候, 最好不要拿一把子用不上的番茄酱包,餐巾纸,餐具等,否则后果就是你用完餐后,这些东西就只剩被白白扔掉的命运了。有时候饭馆工作人员会分发传单,记住这 个时候,除非你真的需要,要么就不要接。不接传单,因为我们知道,即使拿上了,也会扔到地板上或是六米开外的垃圾箱里,这样对那些发传单的人我们也会心生 愧疚。这些做法都是可以记在心里,力所能及的,不过减少浪费的途径还有很多,欢迎大家提出自己的建议。

二:循环利用。世界上很多的文明国家或地区废物循环利用已经超过了二十个年头,尽管香港 也有这样的系统,但是很多的人依然做不到。所以事实就是,我们必须尽自己最大的努力来对废物进行循环利用。很多市民都理所当然地认为政府相关的垃圾收集部 门会为我们做好废物分类,但是那个地方只是一些上了年纪的弱小妇人,她们去那里是为了找可以卖钱的物品,剩下许多很好的循环利用物就只能和垃圾混在一起。 关于此事,人们通常都是抱怨的口气,想和做变成了一种痛苦,而我想这种痛苦终归是比必须要考虑是否住在垃圾填埋区旁边好得多吧。从最近关于清水湾垃圾填埋 区的争论上显而易见我们对垃圾的归置地商无定所。现在都没有足够的空间去处理垃圾,那么十年后又改如何?所以我们都应该养成把垃圾和可循环利用物分开的好 习惯,这样做能很好地减少废物输出量。我在家里和办公室都有垃圾回收筒,满了的时候就送到政府设立的回收站那儿。这很简单,又很容易,所以大家一起参与进 来吧!

就像我说的,其实有很多方法来解决这个问题,但是最关键的还是要从我们自己心态的转变开 始。我们必须得思考下:为了想让事物更好,那么我们怎么做才能让它们更好?即使看起来是很小很小的事情,但是作为个人,只要我们做了,就一定会有收获。去 年开始我就写一些关于保护环境的方法的博客,但遗憾的是没有继续。现在我想写更多这方面的东西,也希望你们能踊跃地谈一谈自己的方法,这样我们就可以一起 分享主意,更好地保护环境。

从现在开始,让我听听你们的观点吧! |
Tuesday's South China Morning Post headlined an article that really got me angry. The people of Hong Kong are the largest waste producers in the world! In the article it says that the average Hong Konger produces 921kg of waste annually which is more than twice as much as Japan(410kg) and Korea(380kg). That is sick and disgusting. We should be ashamed. I used to think Japan produced a lot of waste with their overzealous wrapping and packaging of products. The key difference is that they separate their garbage and everything that is recyclable gets recycled which hugely reduces the amount of waste going into landfills and dumps. So how do we get ourselves out of this mess? Well we can start by doing 2 simple things.

FIRST: take and use only what you need! When you are at the store buying clothes, you do not need them to wrap it in tissue paper and put it in a big plastic or paper bag. The tissue paper is just going to go straight in your garbage can when you get home, so why bother? It wastes not only paper but time and energy as well. When you are at the fast food restaurant, don't take handfuls of ketchup packets, napkins and utensils that you will not use. What happens is you end up leaving it on your tray and then the restaurant has to throw it out! Those people handing out flyers, don't take one unless you really want it. Don't take it because you feel sorry for the person handing them out only to throw it on the floor or in the garbage 20 feet away. These are just a couple things to keep in mind but there are millions of other ways to be less wasteful too. Come up with some of your own.

SECOND: RECYLE. Most of the civilized world has been recycling for over 20 years and although we do have systems in place, not enough people here do it. The fact is that we MUST recycle as much as we can. Most citizens are under the assumption that the government trash collectors separate our garbage for us but there is only so much those little old ladies at the trash collection centers can do. Most likely they only go for the stuff that is worth money to them leaving most of the perfectly good recyclables going back into the trash. People complain about how it is a pain to do and to have to think about. Well I think it's better than having to think about living next to a garbage landfill. As from the recent debate about the Clearwater Bay landfill, it's obvious we don't have anyplace to put our garbage now. So if we don't have space now what about ten years form now? We must all get in the habit of separating your garbage from the recyclables. This will greatly reduce our trash output. I have recycling bins in my house and in my office. When they get full we carry them to the gov't recycle bin and deposit them in there. It's simple and easy so just do it.

Like I said there are many ways we can help this problem but the key thing is that it has to start with our own mentality shift. We have to think about how to make things better if we want to make things better and the seemingly little things that you as an individual can do will help a lot. I started a blog on environmental tips sometime last year but never followed up. I am now inspired to do make more and I would also like you to send your tips to me as well so we can all share ideas on how to save our environment.

So start sending me your ideas now!!!!

over 13 years ago 0 likes  90 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
bringing your own utensils, chopsticks and/or mug to work so you don't have to continuously use disposable ones. In Taiwan bringing your own chopsticks to restaurants has become a bit popular... if you think about how many pairs of wooden chopsticks get used and thrown out per day, its mindblowing Figure one pair a day on average per person... that is as many as 7 million per day in HK... one year could be like 2.5 billion pairs! a few forests at least!
over 13 years ago
Photo 23537
Recycling is the best way to stop mess but everyone need to understand for importance . How about ECO festival by HongKong artist ? You can introduce how you can recycling and why .
over 13 years ago
Photo 97176
reduce, reuse, and recycle !
over 13 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the plastic bag program at the super markets and convenience stores has supposedly reduced plastic bag usage by 90% in HK... this is a good start. They should look to use similar programs elsewhere in our daily lives (maybe for ketchup and straws!) but you need to be careful... now instead of plastic bags people are buying reusable 'nonwoven' bags, but it doesn't actually offset the amount of plastic used unless you use the bag more than like 13 times... considering how many of these bags I'm getting nowadays, it'll take me a while to use each one 13 times. :-P
over 13 years ago
Celia 4
Hey Daniel, what you should do is to put a team together to do PSAs and run a campaign on educating people about the enviorment. Then the next steps is to have ads and signs next to garbage cans reminding people that they should think gabout recycling what they are about to toss out. Also, run some programs on school campus about recycling. Get them when they are young so they have the concept in their heads and they can also educate and correct their parents. Rock on! -C
over 13 years ago
Photo 22998
Bring your own bags to the grocery store - and if you don't have any - use paper and not the plastic ones that sit in landfills forever. Wrap presents in material bags instead of paper. Help stop mass mail outs of junk newspapers and junk mail and phonebooks we don't need anymore since that info is online.
over 13 years ago
Photo 561046
over 13 years ago


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