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Daniel Wu
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I Love New York|我愛紐約|我爱纽约|アイ・ラブ・ニュー・ヨーク

Was back in New York again, this time to finish shooting Clara Law's film, "Like a Dream". It's been a rough and tough few months. We began shooting in July in Taipei then Shanghai and finally here. I'm so wasted from this shoot having lost over 15 pounds. Despite all the suffering I really think this is going to be a good one. I can't wait to see it. I guess my reward for all the blood seat and tears(literally) is that we finished in one of my favorite cities in the world. Check out some NY images below.

The Guggenheim Museum by architect Frank Lloyd Wright is a structure that never ceases to amaze me. I can't even imagine what people were thinking when it opened in 1937, I know it angered many but it must have really blown people away.

The spiral motif appears all over the place inside.

One of my favorite artists Jeff Koons had an exhibition of his sculptures on top the Metropolitan Museum of Art. I love this piece. The Met is crazy big. Even a full day is not enough time here but it's amazing to see examples of art from the beginning of time to now in just one place.

This piece was part of a special exhibition at The Met entitled "Race and Indentity". If you look closely, this head is made out of patent leather pumps.

This ad is just silly funny.

Saw this at a private gallery on Houston St. It's sad to see Grover from Sesame Street end up like this. I wonder what happened? Now he's broke and a drunk. I wonder if he'll make a come back like Robert Downey Jr.?

But you don't have to goto a museum to see art in New York. Nice piece of graffiti here in Union Square.

This is just so wrong. It looked ten times worse in person. But I see this all the time all over the place. Guys and girls from all walks of life. I really just don't get it. How can you not know half of your ass is hanging out of your pants?

And I can't talk about New York without talking about the food!!! Had several good meals while I was here in an effort to gain back some of that lost weight. This was todays breakfast. You can never go wrong at Clinton Street Bakery. Usually you've got to wait 30-40 minutes for a seat but this time there was a free table just as we walked in. This is the Southern Breakfast. Two eggs, cheese grits, candied bacon and two fried green tomatoes coupled up with some coffee and a glass of fresh squeezed oj and you're ready to start your day!

I think I fall deeper and deeper in love with this place every time I come here. I'm leaving tomorrow, I wish I could stay longer but I'm dying to get home after being gone for so long. | 再次回到紐約,這次是結束拍攝羅卓瑤的電影《如夢》。過去幾個月非常辛苦,我們7月開始在臺北拍攝,之後到上海,最後到這裏。拍攝太艱苦,我瘦了15磅多。除了吃這些苦外,我認為這電影將會很棒,等不及想看。我想所有我流的血淚(毫不誇張)得到的補償是在我最愛的城市之一結束拍攝。欣賞一些紐約的照片。



我最喜愛的藝術家之一Jeff Koons在大都會藝術博物館頂層有個雕塑展,我喜歡這個作品。大都會藝術博物館真的太大了,一整天都沒辦法看完,但能在一個地方欣賞到古今經典藝術作品確是美事。

這是大都會藝術博物館中名為"Race and Indentity"的一個特別展覽中的作品。仔細看,這個頭是用黑色漆皮制作的。


在一個位於休斯頓街的私人展覽中,很難過的看到芝麻街的Grover落到這步田地。我在想究竟發生了什麽? 現在他破產、喝醉了。他是否會象小羅伯特·唐尼一樣洗心革面?



說到紐約就無法不談美食!!! 為了努力補償失去的體重,我在這兒已經享受了好幾次大餐。這是今天的早餐,到克林頓街面包店永遠都不會錯。一般都要等30-40分鐘才有位置,這次我們走進去時剛好有張空桌。這是典型的南部早餐。兩個蛋、起司粗面粉、蜜漬培根、兩個煎過的綠西紅柿,再配上咖啡和一杯鮮榨橙汁,準備好開始新的一天!

每一次來,我都更加熱愛這個城市。明天就要走了,我多希望能待久些。但離家這麽久,我迫不及待想回去。| 再次回到纽约,这次是结束拍摄罗卓瑶的电影《如梦》。过去几个月非常辛苦,我们7月开始在台北拍摄,之后到上海,最后到这里。拍摄太艰苦,我瘦了15磅多。除了吃这些苦外,我认为这电影将会很棒,等不及想看。我想所有我流的血泪(毫不夸张)得到的补偿是在我最爱的城市之一结束拍摄。欣赏一些纽约的照片。



我最喜爱的艺术家之一Jeff Koons在大都会艺术博物馆顶层有个雕塑展,我喜欢这个作品。大都会艺术博物馆真的太大了,一整天都没办法看完,但能在一个地方欣赏到古今经典艺术作品确是美事。

这是大都会艺术博物馆中名为"Race and Indentity"的一个特别展览中的作品。仔细看,这个头是用黑色漆皮制作的。


在一个位于休斯顿街的私人展览中,很难过的看到芝麻街的Grover落到这步田地。我在想究竟发生了什么? 现在他破产、喝醉了。他是否会象小罗伯特·唐尼一样洗心革面?



说到纽约就无法不谈美食!!! 为了努力补偿失去的体重,我在这儿已经享受了好几次大餐。这是今天的早餐,到克林顿街面包店永远都不会错。一般都要等30-40分钟才有位置,这次我们走进去时刚好有张空桌。这是典型的南部早餐。两个蛋、起司粗面粉、蜜渍培根、两个煎过的绿西红柿,再配上咖啡和一杯鲜榨橙汁,准备好开始新的一天!

ニューヨークにまた戻ってきたよ。今回はクララ・ロウの映画「ライク・ア・ドリーム」の撮影を終えるためだよ。この数カ月は忙しくて大変だった。七月に台 北で撮り始めて上海に行き、最後にはここニューヨーク。撮影開始から15ポンド以上も痩せてしまった。そんなこんなでいろいろあったけれど、僕はこの映画 は良い映画だって本気で思っているんだ。早く見たいよ。多分、僕の流した血と汗と涙(文字通りにね)へのご褒美は、世界で一番好きな街で撮影を終えること ができたことなんじゃないかな。さあ、ニューヨークの写真を見せるよ。



大好きなアーティストの一人、ジェフ・コーンズは、メトロポリタン美術館で展覧会をやっていた。これが、一番好きなんだ。メトロポリタンはとてつもなく大 きい。丸一日かけたって足りやしないよ。けれど、開館からずっと一か所にとどまって美術品を見るのはとても素晴らしいことなんだよ。






そして、食事の話をせずにニューヨークは語れないよ!!!ここにいるあいだ、体重を戻そうとおいしい食事をとったんだ。これは、今日の朝食。クリントン・ ストリート・ベーカリーに行けば、間違いはないよ。大抵、3、40分は待たされることになるよ。だけど、今回は僕たちが店に入ったときにちょうど一つテー ブルが空いていたんだ。これは南部式の朝ごはん。卵二つ、チーズ・グリット、砂糖漬けベーコンに、フライド・グリーン・トマト二つに、コーヒーがついて、 しぼりたてのオレンジジュースがあれば、一日が始められるよね!


over 15 years ago 0 likes  154 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Awesome that you're shooting in NYC, can't wait to see the movie. Thanks for the picts, good to see Guigenheim is done w/ their renovations. Enjoy the rest of your stay. I'll be back there next week and for the election. Can't wait.
over 15 years ago
Photo 22991
ooh the breakfast looks good! yeah i wonder wat ppl are thinking when they show off their butt cracks...honestly??
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, thanks for that dosage of a$$crack...
over 15 years ago
Lady detective with caption
Daniel, Sorry you are leaving my dear NYC so soon. Wanted to share some special places but it looked like you found some yourself! Got back to LA (today was my zombie day- time change and plane lack of sleep hit me) But I did get to go and hear Ayaan Hirsi Ali speak tonight. Amazing and inspiring. I'll blog about it when I get my brain back! Good working with you. Jeanne
over 15 years ago
Photo 38067
Glad you are enjoying New York during your production. I've been living in NY for 6 years... and I'm ashamed to admit that I have never been to The Guggenheim Museum.... Eeeek. One of these days... I'll have to check it out!! Thanks for sharing the pictures, I hope you stayed warm during your visit.
over 15 years ago
Photo 56133
LOL AAAHHHHAA...gotta love Brooklyn.....See ya around da city!! Welcome Back!
over 15 years ago
Photo 247143
涂鸦很漂亮~ 美食更漂亮
over 15 years ago


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