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I love my Mom but...|我愛我的媽媽,但是… …|我爱我的妈妈,但是… …

When I first moved to Hong Kong, I could only afford a tiny little apartment that was smaller than my college dorm room. I think it was a little less than 200sq.ft. I thought that was small but I think this house takes the cake. Although it's probably bigger than my apartment was, it is a house and not an apartment. I think it would work if you were single but living with your Mom? Sleeping in the same room at 39 years old? I don't know about that. And those sinks look like they'd drive me crazy. It is however, a pretty ingenious design solution for the issue of space and affordability in urban environments. | 剛開始來香港的時候,我只能住在一間比大學宿舍還小的公寓裏,差不多有兩百平方英尺吧。我住的那間確實小了點,不過視頻裏的這間房子還真是有過之而無不及。盡管似乎比我當年住的大點兒,但重點是它是一間房子,而不是一間公寓。我覺得如果你是單身,一個人住的話應該沒什麽問題,不過要是和媽媽一起呢?甚至< /font>39 歲還住在一起?我還真是大腦一片空白。另外,這些水槽讓我很抓狂,不過針對城市裏的這種空間不足,現在已經有了很創新的解決方法,而且也在大家的負擔能力之內。| 刚开始来香港的时候,我只能住在一间比大学宿舍还小的 公寓里,差不多有两百平方英尺吧。我住的那间确实小了点,不过视频里的这间房子还真是有过之而无不及。尽管似乎比我当年住的大点儿,但重点是它是一间房 子,而不是一间公寓。我觉得如果你是单身,一个人住的话应该没什么问题,不过要是和妈妈一起呢?甚至39 岁还住在一起?我还真是大脑一片空白。另外,这些水槽让我很抓狂,不过针对城市里的这种空间不足,现在已经有了很创新的解决方法,而且也在大家的负担能力之内。| When I first moved to Hong Kong, I could only afford a tiny little apartment that was smaller than my college dorm room. I think it was a little less than 200sq.ft. I thought that was small but I think this house takes the cake. Although it's probably bigger than my apartment was, it is a house and not an apartment. I think it would work if you were single but living with your Mom? Sleeping in the same room at 39 years old? I don't know about that. And those sinks look like they'd drive me crazy. It is however, a pretty ingenious design solution for the issue of space and affordability in urban environments.

13 年多 前 0 赞s  25 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i have trouble living with my parents even in a large house....
13 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i think from a livability perspective, the floor to ceiling windows may be a draw back... feels like you live in a display case!
13 年多 ago
Photo 205698
Hello Daniel Check out my website on my puppet show www.zip-a-gang.com I have several projects I like to discuss with you. I am a director Producer and a artist. Regards, John
13 年多 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005