Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Champagne in plastic cups....|塑料杯中的香檳... |塑料杯中的香槟...|Champagne in plastic cups....

...can only mean it's a wrap on Control! We literally just finished our last shot 30 minutes ago! It was tough playing the lead and being hands on with my producer duties but I think this one's going to be quite special. A great project for Diversion Pictures' 3rd film within a year! It was very hard work but lots of fun at the same time. We'll have a short break and then dig into post-production which will be another few months work.

In the meantime make sure you catch our first film Tai Chi Zero out in less than a week!


... 意味著《控城計》殺青了!確切地說,就在30分鐘前我們剛拍完了最後一組鏡頭。這次,在擔任主演的同時我又要參與制片人的工作,的確頗為艱巨,但我覺得它將會是一部很特別的影片。這部佳作是突圍電影在一年內拍攝的第三部電影!拍攝工作十分緊張,但同時充滿樂趣。我們將在短暫的休息後,繼續投入為期數月的後期制作工作。 

與此同時,大家記得不要錯過我們的首部電影, 再過不到一周就要上映的《太極:從零開始》。| ... 意味着《控城计》杀青了!确切地说,就在30分钟前我们刚拍完了最后一组镜头。这次,在担任主演的同时我又要参与制片人的工作,的确颇为艰巨,但我觉得它将会是一部很特别的影片。这部佳作是突围电影在一年内拍摄的第三部电影!拍摄工作十分紧张,但同时充满乐趣。我们将在短暂的休息后,继续投入为期数月的后期制作工作。 

与此同时,大家记得不要错过我们的首部电影, 再过不到一周就要上映的《太极:从零开始》。| ...can only mean it's a wrap on Control! We literally just finished our last shot 30 minutes ago! It was tough playing the lead and being hands on with my producer duties but I think this one's going to be quite special. A great project for Diversion Pictures' 3rd film within a year! It was very hard work but lots of fun at the same time. We'll have a short break and then dig into post-production which will be another few months work.

In the meantime make sure you catch our first film Tai Chi Zero out in less than a week!

over 11 years ago 0 likes  28 comments  0 shares
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Congrats to the whole team. I know you guys have been working hard with a lot of night time shoots!
over 11 years ago


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
July 27, 2005
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