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Daniel Wu
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Japan Tsunami such a tragedy....|日本海嘯﹐這麼悲慘的災禍....|日本海啸﹐这麽悲惨的灾祸....|日本の津波、この悲劇

I've always been a lover of art and I always loved looking at these Classic Japanese paintings of tsunamis. I used to always think that the paintings were exaggerations of what a real tsunami would be. However, after having been glued to the tv and pouring over internet videos of this terrible earthquake and tsunami that has devastated Japan I understand now that these paintings are not at all exaggerated. The powerful waves of water that decimated Eastern Japan are shocking to say the least. My heart goes out to all who are suffering from this mass destruction. My main concern now is that they can control those nuclear reactors before something really really bad happens. My father was an electrical engineer for over 40 years and his job was designing nuclear power plants, so I am fully aware of this how dangerous this can be. I pray that they will get things under control soon, otherwise Asia will be rocked by the biggest nuclear disaster in the history of the world.

In the meantime, please find a way you can help the victims of this terrible event.

我一直都是鐘愛藝術的人﹐而且很喜歡觀看這 些古典日本式海嘯圖畫。我一直都以為﹐這些油畫是誇大海嘯的真相。可是﹐經過這次慘禍之後﹐眼定定看著日本被強烈地震和海嘯鏟平的可怕片段﹐我才明白其實 這些油畫一點都沒有誇大。那些殲滅了日本東岸的強大水浪真是令人触目惊心。我非常關心和關注這次慘禍的所有災民。現在﹐我最擔心的是﹐他們可不可以在最壞 最壞的事情發生之前﹐控制那些核反應堆。以前我爸爸是個電氣工程師﹐幹活了超過40 年﹐而他的工作就是設計核能發電廠﹐所以我很清楚明白知道這個危險性有多大。我真是希望他們能盡快控制這個事情﹐要不然﹐亞洲將要面臨世界歷史最大的核能災禍。

在此期間﹐請找個方法幫助這些災民。 | 我一直都是钟爱艺术的人﹐而且很喜欢观看这些古典日本式海啸图画。我一直都以为﹐这些油画是夸大海啸的真相。可是﹐经过这次惨祸之后﹐眼定定看着日本被强烈地震和海啸铲平的可怕片段﹐我才明白其实这些油画一点都没有夸大。那些歼灭了日本东岸的强大水浪真是令人触目惊心。我非常关心和关注这次惨祸的所有灾民。现在﹐我最担心的是﹐他们可不可以在最坏最坏的事情发生之前﹐控制那些核反应堆。以前我爸爸是个电气工程师﹐干活了超过40年﹐而他的工作就是设计核能发电厂﹐所以我很清楚明白知道这个危险性有多大。我真是希望他们能尽快控制这个事情﹐要不然﹐亚洲将要面临世界历史最大的核能灾祸。

在此期间﹐请找个方法帮助这些灾民。 |  



about 13 years ago 0 likes  46 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
check this out if you haven't seen it yet - http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/13/world/asia/satellite-photos-japan-before-and-after-tsunami.html
about 13 years ago
Photo 507230
Here is the link for Red Cross donations to Japan relief efforts: https://american.redcross.org/site/Donation2?5052.donation=form1&df_id=5052&idb=0
about 13 years ago
Marc antomattei
We are all here hanging tough Daniel. I'm American but I've been in Japan eight years now, this is my second home. I thought about just bailing many times this week but I won't. I'll stick it out with the people here I call friends. Currently the only life I know is here with these people. I'm going to fight it out with them. If things gets worse for Tokyo trust me I will know when it's getting time to leave.
about 13 years ago
Photo 174788
You all can help out by volunteering or help raise funds with the red cross (http://www.redcross.org). It doesn't cost alot and every little helping hand goes a long way in making sure those people in Japan get to overcome this unfortunate event.
about 13 years ago
Photo 40598
Living here in Tokyo, I can tell you, it's been quite surreal. Like being in a disaster movie, except... the director is no where around to yell "cut". God have mercy on those suffering. And God have mercy on us regarding the nuclear emergency. It's not over yet.
about 13 years ago


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