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Photographer Craig McDean (Warning: Nudity)

Craig McDean shot for Another Magazine with model Karen Elson.

I got complaint about my Masuimi Max's blog. Too provocative for some. AnD's admin kindly help me switched to "Fans and Friends" view. Most of my photography related blogs are all about Erotic Fashion. In order to share with many, I will put a warning title from now on. If the content is a bit too much for the masses, I will set it to "Fans and Friends".


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
You pushed the envelope, and it pushed back. A similar thing happened a few months ago with another photographer on AnD. The ensuing flap was astounding to someone like me, who has been involved with art since I was a teenager. We forget how provocative this stuff appears to "outsiders". I think we get a bit desensitized by looking at erotic art as much as we do. It has a tendency to hit the average viewer like a 22 between the eyes. Asian viewers may also be more sensitive to displays of the unclothed body. I was just watching the DVD of a 1990 Leslie Cheung concert. All he had to do was begin to unbutton his shirt cuffs and the young things (and probably some not so young things) in the audience were screaming like there was an orgy happening on stage. By the time he had his shirt unbutton and was showing a little bit of bare torso, I swear the audience sounded like it was positively orgasmic. Of course, Leslie was a master at presenting his body in his live shows in a sexualized manner, so he most definitely whipped up this frenzy--though more by how he was being than by what he was doing. But still, you wouldn't have gotten that reaction out of an American or European audience in 1990. And then, of course, there was the tremendous flap over the nudity and sex scenes in Lust, Caution in Asia just this past year. Yeah, the scenes shocked some Western critics (mostly Americans), but nothing like the uproar they caused in Asia.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 58618
Nudity? Where? Ah, right, boobs. Call me 'abnormal' but I grew up sucking on them for a while. Too bad you guys never heard of it! It's pretty good for your body when you're just a vulnerable little thing! I highly recommend it. But seriously, I'd like to say that I had a 'reversed culture shock' after living in Singapore for a year, but I didn't, it was more like 'sanity, at last!'. I moved back to Montreal, turned on the tv at 7pm and there you go... boobs, briefly, and tastefully I might say. Gotta admit it's not like it's everyday on the tube like that but it was just kinda funny happening on the first day back in town. Then the next morning I went for breakfast at one of my favourite cafés in my neighbourhood that has these monthly exhibits going on. Four out of a dozen b+w phots had either a breast or a butt showing. I looked around at the crowd (which can't top more than 25 people in that place)... a couple of grandmas in their mid sixties... a couple of young parents with kids about 6 y/o... No reaction whatsoever! Man, did I feel like I belong for a change!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 39462
breathtaking visual poetry
almost 16 years ago
Photo 49928
fantastic sets!! nudity? oh yes had to look for it ! its just part of the whole mood....
almost 16 years ago


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