Patrick was really nice to invite me to the CETV 6th Anniversary Party this year!
I met some really nice people working for Sharkwave including Wendy and Edwyn and we all had fun going up to Shenzhen by car :)
The funniest moment was being driven in through the back entrance by an SUV because we arrived earlier than expected, and then being picked up half an hour later in a Benz from the other back entrance, only to be driven around to the front and main entrance to walk the red carpet. The tricks of the entertainment trade. I really enjoy quirks like this :)
I was really surprised by the no. of Taiwanese and Korean artists present in the award ceremony this year! There sure are lots of talented people from the 2 countries, it was an enjoyable experience and I was really happy to see Angela Baby win a prize for being 十大紅人之一.
It was also a sweet surprise to bump into a fellow LSEer there - Clara who is now the owner of a sweet spa in Wyndam St - Hermitage. Def. check it out when you need a nice pampering!
Anyway, all in all, it was a good experience. Happy Birthday CETV!
PS Clothing sponsored by Arrogant Cat
我還認識到很多為Sharkwave效勞的好人包括Wendy及Edwyn。我們駕車到深圳玩得很開心 :)
最令人發笑的是我們由一架SUV(運動形多用途車)進入後門因為我們比預期早到。30分鐘之後便由另一個後門搭入平治車﹐然後再兜返前面門口行紅地毯。娛樂圈果然花樣多多。我挺喜歡這種隨機應變的方式 :)
碰見到LSE的同伴Clara對我來說也是一個驚喜。她現在是一間位於Wyndam St 的治療室老闆。想被人嬌養的話可以不妨去Hermitage試一試吧
PS 衣服由Arrogant Cat贊助
我还认识到很多为Sharkwave效劳的好人包括 Wendy及Edwyn。我们驾车到深圳玩得很开心 :)
最令人发笑的是我们由一架SUV(运动形多用途车)进入后门因为我们比预期早到。30分钟之后便由另一个后门搭入奔驰车﹐然后再兜返前面门口行红地毯。娱乐圈果然花样多多。我挺喜欢这种随机应变的方式 :)
对于今年台庆有很多来自台湾和韩国艺人嘉宾﹐我也觉得很惊奇 ﹗这两个地方有很多多才多艺的人。这是一个很丰富的经验。我也开心见到Angelababy得到十大红人之一的荣誉。
碰见到LSE的同伴Clara对我来说也是一个惊喜。她现在是一间位于Wyndam St 的治疗室老闆。想被人娇养的话可以不妨去Hermitage试一试吧
PS 衣服由Arrogant Cat赞助