Official Artist
candy lo
Composer , Musician , Stylist
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these days, i am busy on the column stuff and styling stuff... u can say i am so free, in fact i am not. busy brainstorming... many thoughts in my head and it takes time to plan in order to execute the things....

did some editorial features to introduce new shop, did some styling things for some brands(no $$$$ hahahahahahhaaaa)as well...!  well as long as i am very enjoying it... hehheee thats enough :)

hey my supporters, i wont give up music and i will try my best to work on different fields!

yeah keep rocking and sharing la...namaste | 這些日子, 我一直忙於專欄和設計的事情... 你可以說我真是悠閑, 事實上我並不是,忙著創造... 我腦子裡有很多想法,要花費很多時間來計劃以便事情得以施行....

做了一些編輯的工作來介紹新店鋪, 也為新品牌做了一些設計工作(沒有 $$$$ hahahahahahhaaaa)...! 因為我很喜歡做這些事... hehheee 這就足夠了:) hey我的支持者們, 我絕不會放棄音樂,我將盡我所能嘗試不同的領域!

是的,繼續做搖滾,與你們一起分享...namaste| 这些日子, 我一直忙于专栏和设计的事情... 你可以说我真是悠闲, 事实上我并不是,忙着创造... 我脑子里有很多想法,要花费很多时间来计划以便事情得以施行....

做了一些编辑的工作来介绍新店铺, 也为新品牌做了一些设计工作(没有 $$$$ hahahahahahhaaaa)...! 因为我很喜欢做这些事... hehheee 这就足够了:) hey我的支持者们, 我绝不会放弃音乐,我将尽我所能尝试不同的领域!


over 15 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
yeah, being creative on demand is the hardest thing! :-P
over 15 years ago
Photo 87684
Keep Rocking! I still listen to your music allot! Really love your songs.
over 15 years ago
Photo 261052
Moi, ca va bien! Mais toi, ca a l'air daller mieux!! :) Being busy is good, enjoying what you do is the best!! Keep it rockin'!! Support and Cheers, Michael
over 15 years ago


**to love but not to hate*shanti shanti**

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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Hong Kong
Member Since
September 17, 2008