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Candace Kita
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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Hotties With a Heart at the Bob Hope USO at LAX

Hi everyone, yesterday I forgot to mention the first set of photos I uploaded.   My organization, Hotties With a Heart, had the opportunity to visit the Bob Hope USO at LAX here in Los Angeles.   We welcomed over 400+ troops who were being deployed overseas that day.  The Marines were so polite and respectful.  Many were saying goodbye to their wives and little babies.  Whatever your political affiliation may be, whether you are a conservative or liberal, we should all be bound by the belief that we need to support the troops.  I have always said I support the troops because they enable you to get up in the morning, drop your kids off to school, go to the grocery store and choose from over 200 different types of cereal, drive home in your luxury car and go to a movie with your boyfriend or girlfriend. They don't get to do this. They are in another country protecting you so you can live the American Dream. Don't ever forget it or take it for granted.Below is a video of this event .  Also, here is an article in Variety is you are interested in reading more:http://weblogs.variety.com/hal/2009/03/while-no-one-should-mistake-hal-for-a-charitable-organizationheres-a-charitable-act-that-was-also-pretty-cool---------backs.htmlThis is the first time I'm attempting to upload video, so fingers crossed, it works! Ciao for now!   

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWIupmh16s8

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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as hard as it is for me to say 'hotties with a heart' with a straight face, its great you guys are able to help out via the USO. keep it up! ps - video works! ;-)
almost 15 years ago


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