Official Artist
Cain McInerney
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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Looking forward to a weekend full of music

This weekend is going to be jammed packed with music for me.

My band, FBI, are going to perform at The Vine this Friday night for an all-ages show called Rockstar United . I am really excited about this gig because the crowd there are so excitable and I know that there will be lots of moshing going on. I really want to get some footage of the crowd going mental. There is going to be over 100+ people there, including a chick from work and even my girlfriend's younger cousins are going to come down to watch.

Then on Saturday night I will host HK Live! and I am really excited as there are three great bands playing, Empty Tomb , Chochukmo and Innisfallen ; who will be headlining the night after a long break between shows. I have never seen them live, so I am interested in seeing what Innisfallen has to offer. I have seen their music video before and really like it. Makes me think, when are we going to do a music video? After listening to Chochukmo on the Underground CD and seeing them play live at the GBOB, I have become one of their fans. I am not really sure about Empty Tomb , but I will go to the show with no expectations, hoping that they will blow me away.

Unfortunately, Saturday night also has two other shows going on that are worth watching. There will be the Underground 75th show at the California Bar and a show at Backstag e with DP , I think? But, I won't be able to go to any of them cos of my committments with HK Live! But, that's ok cos HK Live! will be rocking! It's great to see that there are so many shows for people to choose to go watch these days. It proves that more and more people are getting into the HK indie scene.

Can't wait 'til this weekend!


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 41044
Have a good time at your performance :) Upload pics/videos for us! I'm missing out by not being in hk for all the events!
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
too many events on the same weekend! these groups should all coordinate a little better!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 66143
I know what you mean about having too many shows on the same weekend. I'd love to go to them all. But, I hope that there is enough crowd to fill all three shows on Saturday night.
almost 16 years ago


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