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ben sin
Magazine Editor
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Bright Lights, Big City

So I just got pinged from a friend in NYC right now. She said the first thing she bought was a copy of New York Magazine. I'm an avid reader of NY Mag's website but am not too familiar with the mag. I only own one copy of NY Mag, and it's sitting at my home in LA.


I admit, I got this at Borders in 06 without much of an idea of what NY Mag is about. I got it...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


I've had to make a bit of sacrifice adjusting to life in HK. Sure, the cheap, good food anytime/anywhere in HK kicks the US's ass easily, not having to pay taxes when buying stuff and generally not having to worry about crimes is great.

But damn the things I do in the states that I must give up here stung then and still stings now. I had to give up HD TV, which is absolutely stunning in the US, to the current crappy resolution in HK. Yes there's HD here but it's not as useful when there ain't no sports to watch it ...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Au revoir, Shosanna

Hmm, never did say a proper farewell to Beats before. I guess cause their status wasn't sure yet... but now I guess it's safe to say it's done.

It's a shame, cause for a free mag, Beats was pretty good. And during our peak (I'd say mid 2008) we were doing pretty well and had a nice little niche.

I wrote about one of the highlights a few entries ago--the Jackie Chan interview. Well another favorite story would have to be the Olympic issue. Me and 4 interns, with the help of no PR, tracked down the HK Ol...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

"who doesn't hate sellouts?"

In another "Fresh Prince" teaches a lesson--this episode sees Carlton and Will try out for an all Black Malcom X style Muslim frat. After doing everything they were asked to do, the frat accepts Will but rejects Carlton, because they deemed Carlton to be too white.

When they get home, Carlton tells the story to his family and this exchange takes place

Carlton: They wouldn't let me in the frat because they said they didn't like sellouts.

Hilary: Who doesn't hate sellouts...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

tiny dancer

i must stop doing this. but i come home from work so beat that i tend to go to bed immediately. only instead of sleeping through the night i get up middle of the night and have trouble sleeping again. i slept from 9pm to 11:30 pm tonight, and now I'm sure I'll be up till 4 or 5, which will ruin me next day for work again.

anyway, figured id share this beautiful scene with you guys.

this is what i call....movie magic.

i dunno what hits me more with this scene, the 1:54 mark when Russ (Billy Crudup aka Doctor Manhatt...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

in west philly

For the past decade, I've wanted to wear wear Air Jordans with a tux/suit. I wanted to do it for prom but my prom date vetoed and I was weak so I conformed and wore dress shoes, aka the lamest, most square-ish shoes a guy can ever wear.

Anyway, for some odd reason--I have never been to a wedding before in my life, and I haven't been to another formal since prom, so I never did get the chance to bust out the look. The closest I ever came was 2007 company Christmas dinner when we ate at D Diamond, some snobby pretentious high-en...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

from beijing with love

Damn, every Sunday I try to catch up on freelance work or get ahead on regular work by um, doing work but I always up end stalling and getting distracted to the point that one or two assignments end up taking all day. At least I'm not getting distracted by like, video games or TV, but rather reading news on the net or just blogging, that's a bit more productive...I think.

Anyway, I was reading this NY times story on Chi...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Summer of Bron

Alright, so the NBA have this rule that team owners/GM/coaches can't publicly comment on chasing free agents before they're eligible for free agency, meaning the Lakers GM can't say "when Yao's contract is up, I'll see if I can get him to join the Lakers. Even though he's overrated and is slow, he'll raise interest among LA's Chinese community" (The last part of the sentence is 100% true, although Mitch Kupchak won't really say it in public).

Anyway, I was just reading ESPN insider and ther...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

clock tower

So I'm watching Project A right now--84 Jackie Chan flick. Haven't seen it in maybe a decade. And man that Clock Tower stunt still gets me. Can't believe Jackie Chan did three takes on this (two shown in the film, and the third in the closing credits)

It's at the 5:40 mark of this video.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbgR9ikPdRE

Again HK cinema was so damn good in the 80s and 90s. Jackie Chan style stunts and action couldn'...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


a few random, off the cuff thoughts before i head to bed.

here goes...


im such a weirdo. everyone has this "oh my god friday is here i love the weekend" attitude/gimmick but me. i used to think it was only kids. but now every Wednesday i'll see some generic "happy hump day" facebook status (usually by the same three generic chicks), on friday i'll hear coworkers exclaim "it's friday!" followed by the johnny drama victory pose. this whole TGIF attitude never applied to me for t...Read more

over 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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