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ben sin
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more than a feeling

Brandon Jennings made history last year by choosing to play overseas in Europe over going to college.

Then right now, as a 20 year old rook, he is dropping 21, 5, 5 a night. Not just putting up numbers on a bad team now, mind you. But he's leading the Bucks to a surprising start at 9-7. This team looked like one of the worst in the league coming in. Jennings has changed that. Made basketball matter again in Milwaukee, a city with, well, nothing.

(Gilbert Arenas said it best a couple of years ago "I couldn't s...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

pip in ninety fo' trunk was raw

my 2010 resolution is to  go into pip-in-ninety-fo' mode.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsGkIxgewrM

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

welcome to paradise

quickie blog entry before i get back to work...

Okay this is what I'm gonna blog about. Green Day.

I been checking their setlist on their current international tour. They been playing 28-32s per night. That's insane, considering how energetic their shows are (Billie Joe is easily the most energetic front man I've seen live. and I've seen nearly every big mainstream contemporary rock bands of the past decade or so. No Doubt, Strokes, Stripes, Kings of Leon, Coldplay, Weezer, Blink, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Offsprin...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

the truth hurts

paul pierce has long been one of my favorite players (i've always felt he was like, 85-90% as good as kobe/bron/wade/iverson at certain times but has always gotten 50-65% of their hype)

Laker fans hated that I loved him so much (dates back to 2000), only thing is PP is from Inglewod born and raised, on the playground was where he spent most of his days. He's more LA than anyone on the Laker teams as well as the fake fans sitting courtside.

And his nickname is the best nickname of this generation. You see, in the older...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


I've been meaning to type this for a few days but been busy. Now I think this entry may be voided cause word broke that the Sixers may be bringing Allen Iverson back to Philly. It only makes sense--Iverson can still hoop; the Sixers stink and need help; and most importantly--Iverson was the real life Rocky for Philadelphia from the late 90s to December of 2006.

But still, let's go about this as if AI ain't coming back. As if his self-imposed retirement is for reals. Let's go about this as if we've seen the last time Allen ...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

the dark side

a few days ago a colleague forwarded me this email that a former HK cop and all around standup citizen sent to the organizers of Mr Gay HK. The email was filled with words such as "faggot" and "trash", etc. i wasn't so much disgusted by his hatred toward gays but by his religious zealot-ness.

anyway i was gonna blog about it on here. to call out that idiot homophobic ex-cop, i even wrote most of it on a draft but decided to wait a few days because it was another one of those tell-it-like-it-is blunt entries. Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

happiness is a warm gun

i found out today from a colleague that there will be a  beatles exhibition in yuen long next month. apparently this japanese hardcore fan has a bunch of memorabilia and he'll bring it to HK to put on display.

man, with the remastered album and the rock band game, theres been a mini resurgence in beatlemania lately, especially in the US.

i know some old school purists, like oh, HKHONESTLY, hates the beatles rock band game and everything it stands for...but i think its great that the game are introducing beatles t...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

The Answer

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79WSHpMU894 New York just announced they're not interested in signing Iverson. Iveron's days as an impactful NBA player has officially ended. I don't know if he'll ever play again.

Since his reputation is now shit and kiddies/new fans may not know about this man...

here's his performance in Game 1 of the 2001 NBA Finals.

A brief history lesson going into this game: The Lakers geled near the en...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


 Damn, I've been on this Beatles kick nonstop for a few weeks now. I thought it stopped a few days ago when I started listening to The Black Keys--but naw man, the Beatles are too good man. No other artist has this many iconic, hit tunes.

Initially, my Beatles kick started with me having the fluffy simple songs like Here Comes The Sun and I've Just Seen A Facestuck in my head. Stuck because the sun is coming and I have just seen a face. But this past week, been listening to the deeper stuff. The Lennon-Taratinoing-Dylan track You&...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

live long enough and you'll see yourself become the villain

About a week ago I watched Michael Jackson's This Is It. The MJ phenomenon is still going strong, five months after his death. In perhaps the best example of revisionist history I've seen in a while, everyone--from media to nonfans--are pretending like they've been admiring him always and weren't cracking jokes about his nose/behavior as recently as June 24th. let's face it--outside of the diehard fans, most were freaked out by his actions of the past decade (and half).I mean...Read more

about 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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