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ben sin
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Die Hard 4Ever

It's Sunday and I'm spending the day at home. Star World is showing all four Die Hards in order. They even dubbed the day "Die Hard 4 Ever". Normally that'd be a pretty cheesy tagline, but this one works because the Die Hard franchise is the greatest action franchise in films history.

I mean.. I still remember watching Die Hard as a kid. It was... it was beautiful. It was the sweetest thing ever. Like the first time I heard the Beatles.

The original Die Hard is, undisputedly, the greatest action film of al...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Money, it's GOTTA be the shoes...

Yesteday, someone dissed my Air Jordans.

“You need to just retire those, they don’t work.”

I was shocked. Afterall, my pair of Jordan IVs is probably the one clothing item that has gotten the most compliment/notice over the years. (It’s also the most expensive non electronic item I ever bought).

Now I get criticized all the time on my style. The “suits”—aka cats who be dressing like they sell insurance everyday—have made comments about my hair for the past few months.

“How you gonna get g...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

officially an artist?

Hey all,

I'm not quite sure I'm qualified enough to be considered an artist. But when I was offered the chance to be an official artist, it was an offer I couldn't refuse.

I will try to sound "artist-like". Although I'm just a geeky fanboy.

"You've changed things. Forever. There is no going back..."

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

"you know your fat friend? well her nickname is minivan"

As one of the film reviewer for BEATS and another website (Not gonna name the name...I'm not sure how big ups will like me writing for another site... I'm like Andy Lau in Infernal Affairs, a freaking mole. Oh wells... let's just say I'm Anton Chigurh) I've seen my fair share of movies this year.

Anyway, there were many great flicks this year. Daniel Day Lewis' performance in There Will Be Blood was amazing and if not for Heath and Javier Bardem outdoing his a...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

are we witnessing the greatest era in basketball?

Back in 2003, when it happened. I immediately turned all my attention to the NBA to keep me from thinking too much and to keep me "sane". Once again, it's the NBA to the rescue right now. As the Lakers/Celtics Xmas day showdown will keep my mind from certain things.

Just today, Chris Paul set a new steals record by getting at least a steal in 106th consecutive games. He's also leading the league in double doubles. He's so good that when I see him drop 15 and 9 I feel disappointed...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

The Door Test

Remember "the door test" in A Bronx Tale?

Well, I was under the impression that it was Robert De Niro, aka the great one, who gave this advice to the main character. But nope, it was just some random ass guy.

Still, this advice is king.

The Door Test.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wKTzhGCrPg I feel so happy for C here. One of them "triumphant" scenes. Just a feel good moment for everyone.

And no C, it ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Jack White

As I sit here in the middle of a 24 hour shift (trying to finish the latest issue of Beats), one thing is keeping me from falling asleep and my head from exploding--

The Raconteur's new album, Consolers of the Lonely

Check out this video man


 Jack White...guy is legit. He's one of the few contemporary artists today that can measure up to the greatness of the old folks. The man is a legend in the making...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


What a great time to be a fan of the L. The West is so deep a team will win 50 games and miss the playoffs this year--that's unheard of.

Although I want to see a Laker/Celtics finals (not cause I'm a Laker fan but cause I'm old school and want to see the classic rivalry reignite), I think the Spurs are gonna win the West again. The addition of Kurt Thomas was one of those lowkey moves the Spurs always make that end up paying off. Seriously, while everyone was making splash with big time trades (kidd, shaq), the Spurs added a piece th...Read more

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

no country for old men

so anyone get the ending?

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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January 25, 2008