ben sin
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facebook rules

--when someone leave you a facebook wall post asking how you are or whatever, you reply on their wall, not on your own wall.

--you can become a fan of a specific thing, such as Charles Barkley, or AC/DC, or The Wire. But not random general stuff like "Fries" or "Shoes".

--if you do one of them surveys (you know, the ones that were cool on AOL in 1999), don't tag people. if people wanna read they go onto your page and read. And if you do the quiz, don't say "I normally don't do this but...".

--don't add people unless you've met them.

--stop with the stupid application invites. no one gives a shit about your facebook texas hold'em winnings (it's a game where money is used to keep scores..and you're playing with fake money on facebook. that's like playing Double Dragon with the invincible code on. What's the point?)

--to guys who use a topless picture as profile pic and girls who blatantly show their cleavage on profile pics: even if you DO have a nice body, the first thought of others who see your picture is still "what a fucking egomaniac". Really. Yeah, they may then oogle at your pic and give you that self-esteem boost you so wanted, but the first reaction is always a negative one. And if you don't have a nice body, you're gonna get laughed at. Owned. Ethered. So really it's a lose-lose situation.

--don't tag yourself in your own pictures. That's just attention-whorish.

--if you're in a sad mood, keep your stupid emo notes, status updates, sulking messages to yourself. no one gives a fuck abo....oops. Um. Nevermind! It's totally okay to do that!

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
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blogging is the only thing that matters.
接近 15 年 ago
Photo 99631
Yes, application invites are a B*TCH. And those people who update their Facebook statuses (emo or not) every five seconds deserve to be stabbed in the eye and shot in the head.
接近 15 年 ago



english, cantonese
Hong Kong
January 25, 2008